Code Snippets

These are snippets of user-contributed Igor code that serve a specific purpose.

Confidence bands after a fit

March 14, 2008 Curve Fitting

Print multiple layouts in an experiment at one time

February 28, 2008 Utilities Layouts

Display graphed subset of waves in table

February 26, 2008 Analysis

Include Modify Note in Data Browser

February 22, 2008 User Interface Utilities

Expand A Numerical Input Range to All Values

February 5, 2008 Programming

Function to Use Relative Window Sizes

January 7, 2008 Programming

Print All Graphs

January 4, 2008 Graphing

Extract elements from recreation string of a control

December 25, 2007 Programming

Get Window Title

December 21, 2007 Utilities

Compare Two Matrices

December 7, 2007 Utilities

Light Switch Procedure Pict

December 4, 2007 User Interface

Sine integral (two routines)

November 30, 2007 Analysis

Calculate the intersection (and difference) of two 1D text waves

November 12, 2007 Analysis Programming Utilities

Size a Graph

November 2, 2007 Graphing

Print date and time header on layouts

October 25, 2007 Programming User Interface Layouts

Create new data folder full path

October 24, 2007 Programming Utilities

Create a text wave histogram

October 17, 2007 Analysis Programming Statistics Utilities

List of fitting functions for a menu

September 28, 2007 Curve Fitting Programming User Interface