Finding peaks in acquired data is a bit of an art that varies depending on the type of data.
It is helpful to remove any baseline (or "trend") and possibly to smooth the data to simplify finding peaks.
For a series of only positive-going or only negative-going peaks:
You can use the PeakAreasUnipolar.ipf procedure file (part of Technical Note #020-C Unipolar Peak Areas) to automatically locate peaks:
For peaks that alternate between positive and negative values:
you can use the Peak Areas.ipf procedure file (part of Technical Note #020-B Peak Areas) to automatically find peaks, construct a baseline and compute the areas:
If you're comfortable with programming, you can use Igor's built-in FindPeak operation repeatedly in a procedure to locate peak starts and ends:
Wave w // peak data Make/O/N=(maxPeaks) peakPositionsX= NaN, peakPositionsY= NaN Variable peaksFound=0 Variable startP=0 Variable endP= DimSize(w,0)-1 do FindPeak/B=(smoothing)/I/M=(threshold)/P/Q/R=[startP,endP] w // FindPeak outputs are V_Flag, V_PeakLoc, V_LeadingEdgeLoc, // V_TrailingEdgeLoc, V_PeakVal, and V_PeakWidth. if( V_Flag != 0 ) break endif peakPositionsX[peaksFound]=pnt2x(w,V_PeakLoc) peakPositionsY[peaksFound]=V_PeakVal peaksFound += 1 startP= V_TrailingEdgeLoc+1 while( peaksFound < maxPeaks ) if( peaksFound ) Redimension/N=(peaksFound) peakPositionsX, peakPositionsY DoWindow/F ShowPeaks if(V_Flag == 0 ) Display/N=ShowPeaks w AppendToGraph/W=ShowPeaks peakPositionsY vs peakPositionsX ModifyGraph/W=ShowPeaks mode(peakPositionsY)=3,marker(peakPositionsY)=19, rgb(peakPositionsY)=(0,0,65535) endif else DoAlert 0, "No peaks found using threshold= "+num2str(threshold) KillWaves/Z peakPositionsX, peakPositionsY endif
The Multi-Peak Fitting package uses the Peak AutoFind.ipf procedure, which uses the FindLevel operation to search smoothed derivatives of the data. To use the procedure, type:
#include <Peak AutoFind>
in your Procedure window, or choose "Multi-peak Fitting 2" from the Analysis->Packages submenu. Select the Peak AutoFind.ipf procedure from Igor's Windows→Procedure Windows menu to see routines, and select "Multi-Peak Fitting 2.ipf" from the Procedure Windows menu to see how the routines are used.
Here is a procedure that uses the Peak AutoFind procedure file:
#pragma rtglobals=1 #include <Peak AutoFind> Menu "Analysis" "Automatically Find Peaks", /Q, MyAutomaticallyFindPeaks() EndMacro Function MyAutomaticallyFindPeaks() String wname, xdata="_calculated_" Variable maxPeaks=100, minPeakPercent=5 Prompt wname, "Peak Wave", popup, WaveList("*",";","DIMS:1,TEXT:0,CMPLX:0")+"_none_;" Prompt xdata, "X values", popup, "_calculated_;"+WaveList("*",";","DIMS:1,TEXT:0,CMPLX:0") Prompt maxPeaks, "Maximum Peaks" Prompt minPeakPercent, "Minimum Peak Amplitude (% max)" DoPrompt "Automatically Find Peaks", wname, xdata, maxPeaks, minPeakPercent if( V_Flag != 0 ) return 0 // user cancelled endif WAVE/Z w=$wname WAVE/Z wx=$xdata Variable pBegin=0, pEnd= numpnts(w)-1 Variable/C estimates= EstPeakNoiseAndSmfact(w,pBegin, pEnd) Variable noiselevel=real(estimates) Variable smoothingFactor=imag(estimates) Variable peaksFound= AutoFindPeaks(w,pBegin,pEnd,noiseLevel,smoothingFactor,maxPeaks) if( peaksFound > 0 ) WAVE W_AutoPeakInfo // Remove too-small peaks peaksFound= TrimAmpAutoPeakInfo(W_AutoPeakInfo,minPeakPercent/100) if( peaksFound > 0 ) // Make waves to display in a graph // The x values in W_AutoPeakInfo are still actually points, not X Make/O/N=(peaksFound) WA_PeakCentersY = w[W_AutoPeakInfo[p][0]] AdjustAutoPeakInfoForX(W_AutoPeakInfo,w,wx) Make/O/N=(peaksFound) WA_PeakCentersX = W_AutoPeakInfo[p][0] // Show W_AutoPeakInfo in a table, with dimension labels SetDimLabel 1, 0, center, W_AutoPeakInfo SetDimLabel 1, 1, width, W_AutoPeakInfo SetDimLabel 1, 2, height, W_AutoPeakInfo CheckDisplayed/A W_AutoPeakInfo if( V_Flag == 0 ) Edit W_AutoPeakInfo.ld endif DoWindow ShowPeaks if( V_Flag == 0 ) if( WaveExists(wx) ) Display/N=ShowPeaks w vs wx else Display/N=ShowPeaks w endif AppendToGraph/W=ShowPeaks WA_PeakCentersY vs WA_PeakCentersX ModifyGraph/W=ShowPeaks rgb(WA_PeakCentersY)=(0,0,65535) ModifyGraph/W=ShowPeaks mode(WA_PeakCentersY)=3 ModifyGraph/W=ShowPeaks marker(WA_PeakCentersY)=19 endif endif endif if( peaksFound < 1 ) DoAlert 0, "No Peaks found!" endif return peaksFound End
(A modernization of this code has been added to Igor Pro® 8’s #include <Peak AutoFind>
procedure file.)
See Also: Level Detection



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