Igor Pro® 7 has 60 built-in color tables for use with false color images and with graph traces. (Igor 6 has 58, Igor 5 has 44 color tables and Igor 4 has only 10.)
Color Table Visual Guide
New Igor 6 color tables
Igor 5-compatible 256-color tables
Igor 5-compatible Gradient color tables
Igor 5-compatible Special-purpose color tables
Igor 4-compatible color tables
Number of Colors
The number of color entries for each color table varies (Igor 6 color tables are shown in red):
Color Table Name | Colors | Notes |
RainbowCycle | 360 | Red, green, blue vary sinusoidally, each 120 degrees (120 values) out of phase. The first and last colors are identical. |
Rainbow4Cycles | 360 | 4 cycles with one quarter of the angular resolution. |
BlueGreenOrange | 300 | Three-color gradient. |
BrownViolet | 300 | Two-color gradient. |
ColdWarm | 300 | Multicolor gradient for temperature. |
Mocha | 300 | Two-color gradient. |
VioletOrangeYellow | 300 | Multicolor gradient for temperature. |
SeaLandAndFire | 256 | Topographic color table. Sea level is at 25%. |
GreenMagenta16 | 16 | Similar to the 14-color National Weather Service Motion color tables (base velocity or storm relative values), but friendly to red-green colorblind people. |
EOSOrangeBlue11 | 11 | Colors for diverging data (friendly to red-green colorblind people). |
EOSSpectral11 | 11 | Modified spectral colors (friendly to red-green colorblind people). |
dBZ14 | 14 | National Weather Service Reflectivity (radar) colors for Clear Air (-28 to +24 dBZ) or Precipitation (5 to 70 dBZ) mode. |
dBZ21 | 21 | National Weather Service Reflectivity (radar) colors for combined Clear Air and Precipitation mode (-30 to 70 dBZ). |
Web216 | 216 | The 216 "web-safe" colors, provides a wide selection of standard colors in a single color table. Intended for trace f(z) coloring using the ModifyGraph zColor(traceName )=... feature. |
Grays256 | 256 | |
Rainbow256 | 256 | |
YellowHot256 | 256 | |
BlueHot256 | 256 | |
BlueRedGreen256 | 256 | |
RedWhiteBlue256 | 256 | |
PlanetEarth256 | 256 | |
Terrain256 | 256 | |
Red | 256 | Black -> red -> white. |
Green | 256 | Black -> green -> white. |
Blue | 256 | Black -> blue -> white. |
Cyan | 256 | Black -> cyan -> white. |
Magenta | 256 | Black -> magenta -> white. |
Yellow | 256 | Black -> yellow -> white. |
Copper | 256 | Black -> copper -> white. |
Gold | 256 | Black -> gold -> white. |
CyanMagenta | 256 | |
RedWhiteGreen | 256 | |
BlueBlackRed | 256 | |
Geo | 256 | Popular geographic color table with water and land colors, sea level is around 50%. |
Geo32 | 32 | Quantized to classify altitudes. Sea level is around 50%. |
LandAndSea | 255 | Rapid color changes above sea level, which is at exactly 50%. Ocean depths are blue-gray. |
LandAndSea8 | 8 | Quantized, sea level is at about 22%. |
Relief | 255 | Slower color changes above sea level, which is at exactly 50%. Ocean depths are black. |
Relief19 | 19 | Quantized, sea level is at about 47.5%. |
PastelsMap | 301 | Desaturated rainbow-like colors, with sharp green->yellow color change at sea level, which is at approximately 2/3 (66.67%). Ocean depths are faded purple. |
PastelsMap20 | 20 | Quantized. Sea level is at about 66.67%. |
Bathymetry9 | 9 | Colors for ocean depths. Sea level is at 100%. |
BlackBody | 181 | Red -> Yellow -> Blue colors that are calibrated to black body radiation colors (neglecting intensity) when the color table rang is set from 1,000 ºK to 10,000 ºK. Each color table entry represents 50 ºK. |
Spectrum | 201 | Rainbow-like colors that are calibrated to the visible spectrum when the color table range is set from 380 to 780 nm (wavelength). Each color table entry represents 2nm. The colors do not completely fade to black at the ends of the color table. |
SpectrumBlack | 476 | Rainbow-like colors that are calibrated to the visible spectrum when the color table range is set from 355 to 830 nm (wavelength). Each color table entry represents 1nm. The colors fade to black at the ends of the color table. |
Cycles | 201 | Ten grayscale cycles from 0 to 100% to 0%. |
Fiddle | 254 | Some randomized colors for "fiddling" with an image to detect faint details in the image. |
Pastels | 256 | Desaturated Rainbow. |
Grays | 100 | Igor 4-compatible. |
Rainbow | 100 | Igor 4-compatible. |
YellowHot | 100 | Igor 4-compatible. |
BlueHot | 100 | Igor 4-compatible. |
BlueRedGreen | 100 | Igor 4-compatible. |
RedWhiteBlue | 100 | Igor 4-compatible. |
PlanetEarth | 100 | Igor 4-compatible. |
Terrain | 100 | Igor 4-compatible. |
Grays16 | 16 | Fewer colors to quantize an image into bands. Igor 4-compatible, though not returned by Igor 4's CTabList function. |
Rainbow16 | 16 | Igor 4-compatible, though not returned by Igor 4's CTabList. |
Color Table Ranges
The range of data values that maps into the range of colors in the table can be set either manually or automatically using the Modify Image Appearance dialog.
When you choose to autoscale the first or last color, Igor examines the data in your image and uses, respectively, the minimum or maximum data values found.
By changing the "First Color at Z=" and "Last Color at Z=" values you can examine details in your data.
For example, when using the Grays color table, you can lighten the image by assigning the First Color (which is black) to a number lower than the image minimum value. This maps a lighter color to the minimum image value. To darken the maximum image values, assign the Last Color to a number higher than the image maximum value, mapping a darker color to the maximum image value.
Data values greater than the range maximum are given the last color in the color table, or they can all be assigned to a single color or made transparent. Similarly, data values less than the range minimum are given the first color in the color table, or they can all be assigned to a single color (possibly different from the max color), or made transparent.
Some of the color tables are designed for specific uses and specific numeric ranges.
The BlackBody color table is designed to show the color of a heated "black body" (though not the brightness of that body) over the temperature range of 1,000 to 10,000 degrees Kelvin.
The Spectrum color table is designed to show the color corresponding to the wavelength of visible light as measured in nanometers over the range of 380 to 780 nm.
The SpectrumBlack color table does the same thing, but over the range of 355 to 830 nm. The fading to black is an attempt to indicate that the human eye loses the ability to perceive colors at the range extremities.
The dBZ14 and dBZ21 color table are designed for displaying weather maps using standard National Weather Service radar colors and values.
The LandAndSea, SeaLandAndFire, Relief, and PastelsMap color tables all have a sharp color transition which is intended to denote sea level.
The LandAndSea and Relief tables have this transition at 50% of the range. You can put this transition at a value of 0 by setting the minimum value to the negative of the maximum value:
ModifyImage imageName, ctab={-1000,1000,LandAndSea,0} // image plot ColorScale/C/N=scale0 ctab={-1000,1000,LandAndSea,0} // colorscale
The PastelsMap table has this transition at 2/3 of the range. You can put this transition at a value of 0 by setting the minimum value to twice the negative of the maximum value:
ModifyImage imageName, ctab={-2000,1000,PastelsMap,0} // image plot ColorScale/C/N=scale0 ctab={-2000,1000,PastelsMap,0} // colorscale
This principle can be extended to the other color tables to position a specific color to a desired value. Some trial-and-error is to be expected.
Note: The BlackBody, Spectrum, and SpectrumBlack color tables are based on algorithms from the Color Science web site.
Reference: Wyszecki, Gunter, and W. S. Stiles, Color Science : Concepts and Methods, Quantitative Data and Formula, 628 pp., John Wiley & Sons, 1982.



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