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Questions for our Customer Support team? We are here to help!


You might find that your question has already been answered on our Frequently Asked Questions page.

Traditional Support Options

Telephone and postal mail information may be found at the bottom of this page.

Our FAX number is (503) 620-6754.

Technical Questions

If you need to contact technical support regarding a problem you encountered while running Igor Pro® it is best to do so directly from Igor's Help Menu, or send email to and include your Igor version, your Igor serial number, and the operating system version.

Sales-related Questions ONLY

If you have a question regarding a purchase you made via Fastspring, please visit FastSpring’s order support webpage,, for more information.

For all other sales questions, please fill out the form below and someone from the WaveMetrics sales department will be in touch to answer your questions.





Igor Pro 9

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Igor XOP Toolkit

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Igor NIDAQ Tools MX

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