With over 550 built-in operations and functions, it can be difficult to remember the input and output parameters of them all. Fortunately Igor Pro® provides contextual help menus (right-click menu on Windows, control-click on Macintosh) in the procedure windows:
Choosing "Help for NewPath" opens a help window with detailed documentation:
Choosing "Insert NewPath Template" inserts text for you to edit appropriately:
NewPath [/C/M=messageStr /O/Q/Z] pathName [, pathToFolderStr]
The square brackets indicate optional parameters. You will replace the template parameters with the names of your own strings and variables:
String pathToFolder= "HD:folder:subfolder" NewPath/C/O/M="locate top folder" top, pathToFolder
In addition to the contextual menus, the procedure windows provide a Templates popup menu for inserting any command´s template:
The procedure navigation bar appears at the top of each procedure window. It consists of a menu and a settings button. The menu provides a quick way to find procedures in the active procedure window:
These contextual programming aids are a small part of the many forms of helpful information provided by Igor.



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