Matrices are two dimensional named data objects (Igor supports up to four dimensions.) You can perform basic arithmetic operations on matrices using standard data assignment statements. For example:

Mat1= Mat2*Mat3 // element by element multiplication

You can perform matrix multiplication and matrix dot product with a natural syntax using MatrixOP. For example:

MatrixOp Mat1= Mat2 x Mat3  // matrix multiply

The following example computes element by element multiplication of matrix A with matrix B from which we subtract the inverse of matrix C times the diagonal matrix created from the array D:

MatrixOP res=A*B-Inv(D) x Diagonal(D)

MatrixOP supports array based operations such as Fourier Transforms, Chirp-Z transforms, convolutions and correlations. For example, you can compute circular or acausal convolutions using cascaded transforms and array multiplications as in the following lines:

MatrixOP/O circConvolution=IFFT(FFT(fx,0)*FFT(rect,0),0)
MatrixOP/O acausalConvolution=IFFT(FFT(fx,0)*FFT(rect,0),4)

Obviously you can get the same results using the more compact syntax:

MatrixOP/O circConvolution2=Convolve(fx,rect,0)
MatrixOP/O acausalConvolution2=Convolve(fx,rect,4)

The following is a list of functions supported under MatrixOP:

Numbers and Arithmetic e, inf, Pi, nan, maxAB, mod.
Trigonometric acos, asin, atan, atan2, cos, hypot, phase, sin, sqrt, tan.
Exponential acosh, asinh, atanh, cosh, exp, ln, log, powC, powR, sinh, tanh.
Complex cmplx, conj, imag, magSqr, p2Rect, phase, powC, r2Polar, real.
Rounding and Truncation abs, ceil, clip, floor, mag, round.
Conversion cmplx, fp32, fp64, int8, int16, int32, uint8, uint16, uint32.
Data Properties numCols, numPoints, numRows, numType, waveChunks, waveLayers, wavePoints.
Data Characterization averageCols, crossCovar, chol, det, frobenius, integrate, intMatrix, maxCols, maxVal, mean, minVal, productCol, productCols, productDiagonal, productRows, sgn, sum, sumBeams, sumCols, sumRows, sumSqr, trace, varCols.
Data Creation and Extraction beam, catCols, catRows, col, colRepeat, rowRepeat, chunk, const, getDiag, identity, insertMat, inv, layer, rec, subRange, subWaveC, subWaveR, tridiag, waveIndexSet, waveMap, zeroMat.
Data Transformation diagonal, diagRC, normalize, normalizeCols, normalizeRows, redimension, replace, replaceNaNs, rotateChunks, rotateCols, rotateLayers, rotateRows, scale, scaleCols, setCol, setNaNs, setOffDiag, setRow, shiftVector, subtractMean, transposeVol.
Time Domain asyncCorrelation, convolve, correlate, limitProduct, syncCorrelation.
Frequency Domain chirpZ, chirpZf, fft, ifft.
Matrix backwardSub, chol, det, diagonal, diagRC, forwardSub, frobenius, getDiag, identity, inv, setOffDiag, tensorProduct, trace.
Special Functions erf, erfc, inverseErf, inverseErfc.
Logical equal, greater, within.
Bitwise bitAnd, bitOr, bitShift, bitXOR, bitNot.

Linear Algebra Operations

Igor Pro® includes a group of operations and functions for linear algebra applications. For convenience their names start with the word "Matrix". Additional matrix math features are grouped under image operations.

Igor uses the industry-tested LAPACK library for many linear algebra operations. Following is a list of the more common MatrixXXX operations:

MatrixDet returns the determinant of a matrix.
MatrixEigenV an eigenvalue/eigenvector solver for general and for symmetric matrices.
MatrixGaussJ a Gauss-Jordan matrix inverter for solution of linear equations. Gauss-Jordan may be one of the elementary methods that they teach us in linear algegra but it is not the one that we would recommend for numerical stability. Linear equations should be solved using MatrixLinearSolve, MatrixLLS or MatrixLUD.
MatrixGLM solves the general Gauss-Markov Linear Model problem.
MatrixInverse computes the inverse or the pseudo-inverse of a square matrix.
MatrixLinearSolve MatrixLinearSolve solves the linear system matrixA*X=matrixB where matrixA is an N-by-N matrix and matrixB is an N-by-M matrix of the same data type.
MatrixLinearSolveTD MatrixLinearSolve solves the linear system matrixA*X=matrixB where matrixA is a tri-diagonal matrix and matrixB is an N-by-M matrix of the same data type.
MatrixLLS MatrixLLS solves overdetermined or underdetermined linear systems involving MxN matrixA, using either QR/LQ or singular value decompositions. Supported types are real or complex single precision and double precision numbers.
MatrixLUD perform LU decomposition on a square matrix resulting in a pair of lower (L) and upper (U) triangular matrices.
MatrixMultiply performs matrix multiplication for up to 10 matrices. You can also use MatrixOP for more convenient notation.
MatrixSchur computes the Schur decomposition of a square matrix.
MatrixSVD performs singular value decomposition using LAPACK routines.
MatrixTranspose swaps the rows and columns of a matrix in place.
MatrixDet computes the determinant of a real square matrix.
MatrixRank computes the rank of a matrix subject to a user specified condition number.
MatrixTrace computes the trace of a square matrix.

Other Matrix Operations:

MatrixConvolve: convolves a small 2D kernel with a larger destination matrix usually for image processing applications.

MatrixFilter: contains a variety of options for filtering matrix data usually for image processing. Some of the built-in filters include averaging, edge finding, Gaussian blur, gradients, median, sharpen and more.




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