Include Modify Note in Data Browser

The code below will modify the Data Browser such that a control-click/right-click menu includes a command to Modify Note on waves. Execute the command ModifyMyBrowser() in the command line, then open the Data Browser and control/right-click on a wave to see the additional menu item(s).
Function ModifyMyBrowser() string brCmd, theStr = "ModifyWaveNote(%s)" brCmd = "CreateBrowser" Execute brCmd brCmd = "ModifyBrowser userlevel=8" Execute brCmd sprintf brCmd, "ModifyBrowser userMenu=\"Modify Note\", userMenuCommand=\"%s\"", theStr Execute brCmd brCmd = "ModifyBrowser close" Execute brCmd return 0 end Function ModifyWaveNote(thewave) wave thewave string theNote, theHelp, theMenuStr variable theWay theHelp = "Change the wave note with this. Replace With Text clears and puts new. " theHelp += "Clear All Text will delete the entire wave note!" theMenuStr = "Append Text;Pre-pend Text;Replace With Text;Clear All Text!;" prompt theWay, "Modify the note by ", popup, theMenuStr prompt theNote, "Text: " doprompt/HELP=theHelp "Modify Wave Note", theWay, theNote if (!V_flag) switch(theWay) case 1: note thewave, theNote break case 2: theNote = theNote + "\r" + note(thewave) note/K thewave note thewave, theNote break case 3: note/K thewave note thewave, theNote break case 4: note/K thewave break endswitch endif return 0 end



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