
User's Content:

Type Title Last Updated
Code Snippet Light Switch Procedure Pict Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Code Snippet Setvariable Procedure to Allow Use of Wavemetrics %w Formatting Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Code Snippet Code for TIFF export 12/17/2024 - 11:28
Code Snippet Mr. Hister takes a list of waves and plots them all evenly spaced with the same size and scaling. Good for comparing histograms. Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Code Snippet Rudimentary Binary File Reader Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Code Snippet Processing Wave Names/Paths and Lists of waves in XOP functions Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Write a .csv file with Save operation Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Code Snippet Binary search on PRE-SORTED text waves 09/21/2019 - 13:12
Forum topic object name length limits, metaData, hashing, and searching Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Project Channel Rhodopsin Mapper Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Project Graphical User Interface Procedures/General Utilities for Igor Programmers Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Project twoPhoton scanning laser microscopy control Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Code Snippet Apple script to launch multiple copies of Igor on OS X Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Project Igor Games Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic popupmenus in Igor7 Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com
Forum topic Multithreading - targeting a specific thread of a thread group Before 6/15/2018
Imported From IgorExchange.com