Display graphed subset of waves in table

using the axis range to determine the subset. This is a quick attempt at a starting point
for that function. It works for waveform data only, not XY data.
Function DisplayGraphDataInTable(graphName) String graphName // "" for top graph GetAxis /W=$graphName /Q bottom Variable axisLeft = V_min, axisRight = V_max Variable index = 0 do Wave/Z w = WaveRefIndexed(graphName, index, 1) if (!WaveExists(w)) break endif // Just for testing. String name = NameOfWave(w) Print name // This assumes that you are displaying waveforms, not XY pairs. Variable startPoint = x2pnt(w, axisLeft) Variable endPoint = x2pnt(w, axisRight) String newName = name + "_p" // _p for "part" Duplicate /O /R=[startPoint,endPoint] w, $newName Wave newWave = $newName if (index == 0) Edit newWave.id else AppendToTable newWave.id endif index += 1 while(1) End



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