Extract elements from recreation string of a control

//========================================================================================================= // recExtract // ----------- // 'recExtract' is a service function for extracting simple keyword pairs from the // S_Recreation string returned by 'controlInfo'. This saves extracting using 'execute' // directly where the S_Recreation string may overflow the command line buffer of 'execute'. // It is not able to extract multiline elements such as 'userdata[(name)]' but this has its // own Igor function (getUserdata). // // ARGUMENTS: // - win: window of the calling control // - ctrl: name of the calling control // - iStr: keyword to be extracted. // - trim: if present, the character[s] in 'trim' will be removed from the beginning // and end of the result string, if they are present. Useful for trimming // the " character when assigning to a string variable. If there are two // characters, e.g. "{}", the first will be trimmed from the start of the // string and the second from the end. Further characters are ignored. // - [listSep]: Optional. If present the default list separator of ',' is changed to this, // allowing grouped parameters like {var,var,var} to be matched: see below. // // RETURNS: The value of the string requested (or numerical value as a string) // // SOURCES: Patrick Groenestein 2006, WaveMetrics Igor 5 Help. // //--------------------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------ static FUNCTION/S recExtract(win,ctrl,iStr,trim[,listSep]) string ctrl,win,iStr,trim,listSep; variable i,n,pos; string rStr="",rec,sep,add=""; sep = "\r"; if(paramIsDefault(listSep)) listSep = ","; // allows a kludge: if the parameter is of the form key=(value,value,value) // like a colour definition or key={value,value} then the string won't match, // as the list separator will get only the first element of the sublist. // By redefining the list separator to the closing container ')' or '}' for // example, the correct element is extracted, and can still be cleaned up // with the 'trim' parameter. // else add = listSep; endif; controlInfo/W=$win $ctrl; for(i=0,n=itemsInList(S_Recreation,sep) ; i<n ; i+=1) rec = stringFromList(i,S_Recreation,sep); if(strlen(rec)) pos = strsearch(rec,iStr,0,2); if(pos>=0) rStr += stringByKey(iStr,rec[pos,min(strlen(rec)-1,pos+1000)],"=",listSep,0); break; endif; endif; endfor; n = strlen(trim); if(n) if(stringMatch(rStr[0],trim[0])) rStr[0,0] = ""; endif; rStr = removeEnding(rStr,selectstring(n>1,trim[0],trim[1])); endif; return(rStr); END



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