Print multiple layouts in an experiment at one time

//** // Prints multiple layouts. By default this function will print // all layouts in the experiment, however it is possible to also // specify a list of layouts to be printed. // // @param layoutList // [OPTIONAL] A semi-colon separated list of layout window names // that should be printed. Any names that are not layouts will // be ignored. // // NOTE: The Sleep/S 5 line forces Igor to wait 5 seconds between // printing subsequent layouts. I don't know if this is necessary, but // my concern was that the printer driver might need a few seconds to process // one print request before another was sent. //* Function PrintMultipleLayouts([layoutList]) String layoutList if (ParamIsDefault(layoutList)) layoutList = WinList("*", ";", "WIN:4") endif Variable n, numLayouts numLayouts = ItemsInList(layoutList, ";") String currentLayoutName For (n=0; n<numLayouts; n+=1) currentLayoutName = StringFromList(n, layoutList, ";") // Make sure this is actually a layout. if (WinType(currentLayoutName) != 3) continue endif PrintLayout $(currentLayoutName) Sleep/S 5 // Might not be necessary EndFor End
To print all layouts, just copy the function above into a procedure window in your experiment and execute the following at the command line:
To print a list of specific layouts, copy the function into your experiment and execute the following at the command line:
PrintMultipleLayouts(layoutList = "Layout0;Layout1;Layout2;")
See the forum post at http://www.igorexchange.com/node/512#comment-136 for more information.



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