Add a textbox containing a graph's name or title

// Adds a textbox containing the graph's name or title. // Example // Make/O/N=10 wave0=p // Display wave0 as "Graph of wave0" // AddGraphTitleTextbox("") Function/S WindowTitle(WindowName) // Returns the title of a window given its name. String WindowName // Name of graph, table, layout, notebook or control panel. String RecMacro Variable AsPosition, TitleEnd String TitleString if (strlen(WindowName) == 0) WindowName=WinName(0,1) // Name of top graph window endif if (wintype(WindowName) == 0) return "" // No window by that name endif RecMacro = WinRecreation(WindowName, 0) AsPosition = strsearch(RecMacro, " as \"", 0) if (AsPosition < 0) TitleString = WindowName // No title, return name else AsPosition += 5 // Found " as ", get following quote mark TitleEnd = strsearch(RecMacro, "\"", AsPosition) TitleString = RecMacro[AsPosition, TitleEnd-1] endif return TitleString End Function AddGraphNameTextbox(graphName) String graphName // "" for top visible graph if (strlen(graphName) == 0) graphName = WinName(0, 1, 1) endif if (strlen(graphName) == 0) return -1 // There are no graphs. endif DoWindow $graphName if (V_flag == 0) return -1 // There is no graph with that name. endif String text sprintf text, "Graph name is %s", graphName Textbox /C/N=GraphName /W=$graphName text return 0 End Function AddGraphTitleTextbox(graphName) String graphName // "" for top visible graph if (strlen(graphName) == 0) graphName = WinName(0, 1, 1) endif if (strlen(graphName) == 0) return -1 // There are no graphs. endif DoWindow $graphName if (V_flag == 0) return -1 // There is no graph with that name. endif String title = WindowTitle(graphName) String text sprintf text, "%s", title Textbox /C/N=GraphTitle /W=$graphName text return 0 End



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