Code Snippets

These are snippets of user-contributed Igor code that serve a specific purpose.

Set Igor Sleep Meter

March 31, 2009 User Interface

sending gmail with IGOR

March 19, 2009 Utilities

Parsing strings into numbers

March 17, 2009 Programming

List files in Igor special folders following aliases (links) and directories

March 16, 2009 File Input/Output Programming Utilities

whois lookup search in IGOR.

March 16, 2009 Utilities

Heaviside Function

March 6, 2009 Utilities

Geocoding with Google Maps and Igor

March 5, 2009 Data Acquisition Education Graphing Programming

A filtered list of all controls in a window, including subwindows

February 28, 2009 Programming User Interface Utilities


February 28, 2009 Programming

Convert Latitude/Longitude to UTM

February 26, 2009 Utilities

LeCroy scope trace acquisition over IP with VISA

February 19, 2009 Data Acquisition Hardware


February 14, 2009 Graphing

Reading Header and Data From The Same File

February 13, 2009 File Input/Output

Chi-Square periodogram

February 9, 2009 Analysis

Chi2 map - calculate chi2 as a parameter varies

January 29, 2009 Analysis