List files in Igor special folders following aliases (links) and directories

The code can be easily modified to provide different output or look into different folders.
Example at the top are two functions - one to get User Procedures and one to get Igor Procedures content. Both call static function, which is heavily commented.
Function ListUserProcFiles() GetFileFolderInfo/Q/P=Igor "User Procedures" ListProcFiles(S_Path) end Function ListIgorProcFiles() GetFileFolderInfo/Q/P=Igor "Igor Procedures" ListProcFiles(S_Path) end static Function ListProcFiles(PathStr) string PathStr string OldDf=GetDataFolder(1) //create location for the results waves... NewDataFolder/O/S root:Packages NewDataFolder/O/S root:Packages:UseProcedureFiles //if this is top call to the routine we need to wipe out the waves so we remove old junk string CurFncName=GetRTStackInfo(1) string CallingFncName=GetRTStackInfo(2) variable runningTopLevel=0 if(!stringmatch(CurFncName,CallingFncName)) KillWaves/Z FileNames, PathToFiles, FIleVersions runningTopLevel=1 //catch if the waves were not killed sice they were in use... Wave/Z/T FileNames if(WaveExists(FileNames)) setDataFolder OldDf Abort "Output waves could not be killed, they are probably part of table. Please, close all output waves tables or graphs." endif endif //if this was first call, now the waves are gone. //and now we need to create the output waves Wave/Z/T FileNames Wave/Z/T PathToFiles Wave/Z FIleVersions If(!WaveExists(FileNames) || !WaveExists(PathToFiles)) Make/O/T/N=0 FileNames, PathToFIles Make/O/N=0 FileVersions Wave/T FileNames Wave/T PathToFiles Wave FileVersions //I am not sure if we really need all of those declarations, but, well, it should not hurt... endif //this is temporary path to the place we are looking into now... NewPath/Q/O tempPath, PathStr //list al items in this path string ItemsInTheFolder= IndexedFile(tempPath,-1,"????")+IndexedDir(tempPath, -1, 0 ) //remove all . files. ItemsInTheFolder = GrepList(ItemsInTheFolder, "^\." ,1) //Now we removed all junk files on Macs (starting with .) //now lets check what each of these files are and add to the right lists or follow... variable i, imax=ItemsInList(ItemsInTheFolder) string tempFileName, tempScraptext For(i=0;i<imax;i+=1) tempFileName = stringfromlist(i,ItemsInTheFolder) GetFileFolderInfo/Q/P=tempPath tempFileName if(V_isAliasShortcut) //is alias, need to follow and look further. Use recursion... ListProcFiles(S_aliasPath) //and now when we got back, fix the path definition to previous or all will crash... NewPath/Q/O tempPath, PathStr elseif(V_isFolder) //is folder, need to follow into it. Use recursion. ListProcFiles(PathStr+tempFileName+":") //and fix the path back or all will fail... NewPath/Q/O tempPath, PathStr elseif(V_isFile) //this is real file. Store information as needed. Redimension/N=(numpnts(FileNames)+1) FileNames, PathToFiles,FileVersions FileNames[numpnts(FileNames)] = tempFileName PathToFiles[numpnts(FileNames)] = PathStr //try to get version from #pragma version = ... This seems to be the most robust way I found... if(stringmatch(tempFileName, "*.ipf")) Grep/P=tempPath/E="(?i)^#pragma[ ]*version[ ]*=[ ]*" tempFileName as "Clipboard" tempScraptext = GetScrapText() if(strlen(tempScraptext)>10) //found line with #pragma version" tempScraptext = replaceString("#pragma",tempScraptext,"") //remove #pragma tempScraptext = replaceString("version",tempScraptext,"") //remove version tempScraptext = replaceString("=",tempScraptext,"") //remove = tempScraptext = replaceString("\t",tempScraptext," ") //remove optional tabulators, some actually use them. //forget about the comments behind the text. //str2num is actually quite clever in this and converts start of the string which makes sense. FileVersions[numpnts(FileNames)]=str2num(tempScraptext) else //no version found, set to NaN FileVersions[numpnts(FileNames)]=NaN endif else //no version for non-ipf files FileVersions[numpnts(FileNames)]=NaN endif endif endfor if(runningTopLevel) //some output here... print "Found "+num2str(numpnts(FileNames))+" files in "+PathStr+" folder, its subfolders and linked folders and subfolders" KillPath/Z tempPath endif setDataFolder OldDf end



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