sending gmail with IGOR

The snippet works by connecting to port 5000 on localhost, which Stunnel forwards (with SSL) to port 465 on the gmail smtp server. Things then proceed as normal with the run of the mill SMTP commands.
The main use of this would be e.g. Acquisition computers were the computer could send you an email to reassure you that things were ok/gone wrong.
#pragma rtGlobals=1 // Use modern global access method. Function gmailMessage(username, password, recipients, subject, message) string username, password, recipients, subject, message variable sockID,ii make/t/o buf Wave/t buf try sockitopenconnection/q sockID, "localhost",5000,buf if(sockID<1) abort endif sockitsendnrecv/SMAL/TIME=2 sockID, "EHLO gmail.com\n" if(V_Flag || !stringmatch(S_tcp[0,2],"220")) abort endif sockitsendnrecv/SMAL/TIME=2 sockID, "AUTH LOGIN\n" if(V_Flag || !stringmatch(S_tcp[0,2],"334")) abort endif sockitsendnrecv/SMAL/TIME=2 sockid, base64encode(username)+"\n" if(V_Flag || !stringmatch(S_tcp[0,2],"334")) abort endif sockitsendnrecv/SMAL/TIME=2 sockid, base64encode(password)+"\n" if(V_Flag || !stringmatch(S_tcp[0,2],"235")) abort endif sockitsendnrecv/SMAL/TIME=2 sockID, "MAIL FROM:<"+username+"@gmail.com>\n" if(V_Flag || !stringmatch(S_tcp[0,2],"250")) abort endif for(ii=0 ; ii<itemsinlist(recipients) ; ii+=1) sockitsendnrecv/SMAL/TIME=2 sockID, "RCPT TO:<"+stringfromlist(ii, recipients)+">\n" endfor sockitsendnrecv/SMAL/TIME=2 sockID, "DATA\n" if(V_Flag || !stringmatch(S_tcp[0,2],"354")) abort endif sockitsendnrecv sockID, "From:"+username+"\n" for(ii=0; ii<itemsinlist(recipients) ; ii+=1) sockitsendnrecv sockID, "To:"+stringfromlist(ii, recipients)+"\n" endfor sockitsendnrecv sockID, "Subject:"+subject+"\n\n" sockitsendnrecv sockID, message+"\r\n" sockitsendnrecv sockID, "."+"\r\n" if(V_Flag || !stringmatch(S_tcp[0,2],"250")) abort endif catch print "Failed to send email" endtry sockitsendnrecv sockID, "QUIT\n" sockitcloseconnection(sockID) killwaves/z buf End



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