Code Snippets

These are snippets of user-contributed Igor code that serve a specific purpose.

Centre of mass of an N-D image (1 < N < 3)

January 23, 2012 Utilities

Interpolate a path with equal steps

January 20, 2012 Analysis

Identify Point in Matrix Subrange

December 26, 2011 Programming

A mouse-over popup menu

December 23, 2011 User Interface Utilities

Load columns in an Excel worksheet to a 2D wave

December 19, 2011 File Input/Output Utilities

Control Table Entry with Graph Cursor

December 17, 2011 Analysis User Interface

Self Modeling Curve Resolution (SMCR) Procedure

December 12, 2011 Analysis

Remove Extra Line Breaks and Load

November 17, 2011 File Input/Output

Load Matlab 1D Numeric Text File

November 4, 2011 File Input/Output

Fake Waterfall Plot

October 14, 2011 Graphing

FlattenDir: a flexible directory flattener

October 13, 2011 File Input/Output

QENS fit functions - jump diffusion

September 27, 2011 Curve Fitting

Deconstruct date/time value into its component parts

September 24, 2011 Programming

Minimal replacement for Speak XOP

August 21, 2011 User Interface

Exterminate Wave

August 17, 2011 Programming Utilities

Auto save for experiment files

August 10, 2011 User Interface

Save Waves as Comma-Delimited Text

August 9, 2011 File Input/Output

DataBrowser Folder Versioning Button

July 27, 2011 Utilities