Interpolate a path with equal steps

// Interpolate to create a path with equal spacing between successive points in the XY plane. // the path described by xwave and ywave as inputs needs to be quite smooth for this to work. // play with step size (step), number of nodes for interpolation (numNodes) and linear vs. cubic spline // interpolation (flagT = 1, 2) to optimise the path output as xout and yout. // step size must be rather small with respect to spacing of path points in xwave, ywave function StepInterpolate(xwave, ywave, step, flagT, numNodes) wave xwave, ywave variable step, flagT, numNodes make /o/n=1 xout, yout xout=xwave[0] yout=ywave[0] make /o/n=(numNodes) w_nodesX, w_nodesY make /o/n=200 w_interp variable inPnt=0, outPnt=0, minPnt variable nextX, nextY variable i, inc=(wavemax(xwave)-wavemin(xwave))/1e5 do minPnt=ceil(inPnt-numNodes/2) minPnt=max(0, Minpnt) minPnt=min(minPnt, numpnts(xwave)-numNodes) w_nodesX=xwave[minPnt+p] w_nodesY=ywave[minPnt+p] if ( (wavemax(w_nodesY)-wavemin(w_nodesY)) < (wavemax(w_nodesX)-wavemin(w_nodesX)) ) // heading in a 'horizontal' direction Interpolate2/T=(flagT)/N=200/E=2/Y=w_interp w_nodesX, w_nodesY nextX=xout[outPnt] i=0 do i+=1 if (i>1e5) return 0 endif nextX+=inc*sign(w_nodesX[numpnts(w_nodesX)-1]-w_nodesX[0]) while (sqrt( (w_interp(nextX)-yout[outPnt])^2 + (nextX-xout[outPnt])^2 ) < step ) nextY=w_interp(nextX) if (nextX<min(xwave[inPnt], xwave[inpnt+1]) || nextX>max(xwave[inPnt], xwave[inpnt+1]) ) do inPnt+=1 if(inPnt>(numpnts(ywave)-1)) return 1 endif while ( (nextX<min(xwave[inPnt], xwave[inpnt+1])) || (nextX>max(xwave[inPnt], xwave[inpnt+1])) ) endif else // heading in a "more vertical" direction Interpolate2/T=(flagT)/N=200/E=2/Y=w_interp w_nodesY, w_nodesX nextY=Yout[outPnt] i=0 do i+=1 if (i>1e5) return 0 endif nextY+=inc*sign(w_nodesY[numpnts(w_nodesY)-1]-w_nodesY[0]) while (sqrt( (nextY-yout[outPnt])^2 + (w_interp(nextY)-xout[outPnt])^2 ) < step ) nextX=w_interp(nextY) if (nextY<min(ywave[inPnt], ywave[inpnt+1]) || nextY>max(ywave[inPnt], ywave[inpnt+1]) ) do inPnt+=1 if(inPnt>(numpnts(ywave)-1) ) return 2 endif while (nextY<min(ywave[inPnt], ywave[inpnt+1]) || nextY>max(ywave[inPnt], ywave[inpnt+1]) ) endif endif outPnt+=1 insertpoints outPnt, 1, xout, yout xout[outpnt]=nextX yout[outpnt]=nextY while(inPnt<numpnts(xwave)) return 3 end



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