Self Modeling Curve Resolution (SMCR) Procedure
// Input: datamat is a 2D matrix whose columns are spectra obtained from two-component
// solutions of different concentration. For example, the first spectrum can be that of a
// pure solvent and the remaining spectra can have various (at least one) solute
// concentrations.
// There is no need to normalize the spectral measurements -- this is done
// inside the function.
// Output: component1 and component2, one of which is the minimum area solute correlated
// spectrum, while the other is the minimum area spectrum pertaining to the pure solvent.
// The pure solvent spectrum itself can be re-generated from the SMCR scores pertaining
// to the pure solvent spectrum. For example, if the first spectrum (in column 0) is the pure
// solvent then the following command will re-generate the pure solvent spectrum (solvent).
// from the SMCR scores and PC loadings.
// solvent=score1[0]*PCLoadings1+score2[0]*PCLoadings2
// Requires: IP 6.22 or newer.
// Reference: Lawton and Sylvestre, Technometrics, volume 13, page 617, 1971
// Procedure written by: David Wilcox (wilcoxds at purdue dot edu)
Function SMCR(datamat)
wave datamat
// the following command normalizes and transposes the input matrix.
MatrixOP/O/FREE inMat=scaleCols(datamat,(powr(sumcols(datamat),-1)^t))^t
Variable i,numRows
//Calculate scores and loadings from SVD
MatrixSVD inMat
wave M_U, W_W, M_VT
MatrixTranspose M_VT
MatrixOP/O W_W=diagonal(W_W)
MatrixOP /FREE/O PCLoadings1=col(M_VT,0)
MatrixOP/FREE/O PCLoadings2=col(M_VT,1)
MatrixOP/FREE/O aug_scores = M_U x W_W
MatrixOP/FREE/O score1=col(aug_scores ,0) // PC1 scores for each input specxtrum
MatrixOP/FREE/O score2=col(aug_scores ,1) // PC2 scores for each input specxtrum
//Find minimum positive and maximum negative of loadings ratio (slopes)
MatrixOP/O/FREE Lratio = PCLoadings1/PCLoadings2
variable m1,m2
if (Lratio[i] > 0)
m1 = max(-Lratio[i],m1)
elseif (Lratio[i] < 0)
m2 = min(-Lratio[i],m2)
i +=1
while (i<numRows)
// Linear regression of scores ratio
CurveFit /Q line, score2/x=score1
wave W_coef
Variable m=W_coef[1]
Variable b=W_coef[0]
// Intersection of scores and loadings
make/FREE/O/N=(2,2) x1x2num={{b,1},{0,1}}
make/FREE/O/N=(2,2) x1y1denom={{-m,1},{-m1,1}}
MatrixOP/FREE/O x1= Det(x1x2num)/Det(x1y1denom) // (x1,y1) is one end point of the PC score line
make/FREE/O/N=(2,2) y1num={{-m,b},{-m1,0}}
MatrixOP/FREE/O y1= Det(y1num)/Det(x1y1denom)
make/FREE/O/N=(2,2) x2y2denom={{-m,1},{-m2,1}}
MatrixOP/FREE/O x2= Det(x1x2num)/Det(x2y2denom) // (x2,y2) is one end point of the PC score line
make/FREE/O/N=(2,2) y2num={{-m,b},{-m2,0}}
MatrixOP/FREE /O y2 = Det(y2num)/Det(x2y2denom)
// Make pure component spectra
Variable x1v=x1[0],x2v=x2[0],y1v=y1[0],y2v=y2[0]
MatrixOP/O component1 = x1v*PCLoadings1 + y1v*PCLoadings2
MatrixOP/O component2 = x2v*PCLoadings1 + y2v*PCLoadings2
KillWaves/Z M_U,W_W,M_VT,W_coef,W_sigma
// solutions of different concentration. For example, the first spectrum can be that of a
// pure solvent and the remaining spectra can have various (at least one) solute
// concentrations.
// There is no need to normalize the spectral measurements -- this is done
// inside the function.
// Output: component1 and component2, one of which is the minimum area solute correlated
// spectrum, while the other is the minimum area spectrum pertaining to the pure solvent.
// The pure solvent spectrum itself can be re-generated from the SMCR scores pertaining
// to the pure solvent spectrum. For example, if the first spectrum (in column 0) is the pure
// solvent then the following command will re-generate the pure solvent spectrum (solvent).
// from the SMCR scores and PC loadings.
// solvent=score1[0]*PCLoadings1+score2[0]*PCLoadings2
// Requires: IP 6.22 or newer.
// Reference: Lawton and Sylvestre, Technometrics, volume 13, page 617, 1971
// Procedure written by: David Wilcox (wilcoxds at purdue dot edu)
Function SMCR(datamat)
wave datamat
// the following command normalizes and transposes the input matrix.
MatrixOP/O/FREE inMat=scaleCols(datamat,(powr(sumcols(datamat),-1)^t))^t
Variable i,numRows
//Calculate scores and loadings from SVD
MatrixSVD inMat
wave M_U, W_W, M_VT
MatrixTranspose M_VT
MatrixOP/O W_W=diagonal(W_W)
MatrixOP /FREE/O PCLoadings1=col(M_VT,0)
MatrixOP/FREE/O PCLoadings2=col(M_VT,1)
MatrixOP/FREE/O aug_scores = M_U x W_W
MatrixOP/FREE/O score1=col(aug_scores ,0) // PC1 scores for each input specxtrum
MatrixOP/FREE/O score2=col(aug_scores ,1) // PC2 scores for each input specxtrum
//Find minimum positive and maximum negative of loadings ratio (slopes)
MatrixOP/O/FREE Lratio = PCLoadings1/PCLoadings2
variable m1,m2
if (Lratio[i] > 0)
m1 = max(-Lratio[i],m1)
elseif (Lratio[i] < 0)
m2 = min(-Lratio[i],m2)
i +=1
while (i<numRows)
// Linear regression of scores ratio
CurveFit /Q line, score2/x=score1
wave W_coef
Variable m=W_coef[1]
Variable b=W_coef[0]
// Intersection of scores and loadings
make/FREE/O/N=(2,2) x1x2num={{b,1},{0,1}}
make/FREE/O/N=(2,2) x1y1denom={{-m,1},{-m1,1}}
MatrixOP/FREE/O x1= Det(x1x2num)/Det(x1y1denom) // (x1,y1) is one end point of the PC score line
make/FREE/O/N=(2,2) y1num={{-m,b},{-m1,0}}
MatrixOP/FREE/O y1= Det(y1num)/Det(x1y1denom)
make/FREE/O/N=(2,2) x2y2denom={{-m,1},{-m2,1}}
MatrixOP/FREE/O x2= Det(x1x2num)/Det(x2y2denom) // (x2,y2) is one end point of the PC score line
make/FREE/O/N=(2,2) y2num={{-m,b},{-m2,0}}
MatrixOP/FREE /O y2 = Det(y2num)/Det(x2y2denom)
// Make pure component spectra
Variable x1v=x1[0],x2v=x2[0],y1v=y1[0],y2v=y2[0]
MatrixOP/O component1 = x1v*PCLoadings1 + y1v*PCLoadings2
MatrixOP/O component2 = x2v*PCLoadings1 + y2v*PCLoadings2
KillWaves/Z M_U,W_W,M_VT,W_coef,W_sigma
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