User's Content:
Type | Title | Last Updated |
Forum topic | how to import .abf 2 file to igor pro? | Before 6/15/2018 Imported From IgorExchange.com |
Forum topic | How to hide label "0" from Y axis? | Before 6/15/2018 Imported From IgorExchange.com |
Forum topic | how to align graph table etc in the layout? | Before 6/15/2018 Imported From IgorExchange.com |
Forum topic | how to display units in calibrator? | Before 6/15/2018 Imported From IgorExchange.com |
Forum topic | is that possible to make igor supporting retina display? | Before 6/15/2018 Imported From IgorExchange.com |
Forum topic | is this the proper way to plot scatter chart? | Before 6/15/2018 Imported From IgorExchange.com |
Forum topic | in the graph, how to align the plot edge to the graphs edge? | Before 6/15/2018 Imported From IgorExchange.com |
Forum topic | is there any introduction to the "change wave scale" option | Before 6/15/2018 Imported From IgorExchange.com |
Forum topic | how to make such scale bar precisely? | Before 6/15/2018 Imported From IgorExchange.com |
Forum topic | about the embed graph and the rectangle wrapped range | Before 6/15/2018 Imported From IgorExchange.com |
Forum topic | align text option? | Before 6/15/2018 Imported From IgorExchange.com |
Forum topic | how to do category plot when I have different value number in each group? | Before 6/15/2018 Imported From IgorExchange.com |
Forum topic | How to change numeric wave to text wave, and how to change a text wave to numeric wave? | Before 6/15/2018 Imported From IgorExchange.com |
Forum topic | can I exchange the top x axis with the bottom one? OR can I append a scatter dot plot to a category plot? | Before 6/15/2018 Imported From IgorExchange.com |
Forum topic | why rectangle in the graph and layout has different position? | Before 6/15/2018 Imported From IgorExchange.com |
Forum topic | the y axis is crossing x axis. how to make them just connected? | Before 6/15/2018 Imported From IgorExchange.com |
Forum topic | How to insert the character Tau in to the axis label? | Before 6/15/2018 Imported From IgorExchange.com |
Forum topic | is there any plugin for igor pro working like minianalysis? | Before 6/15/2018 Imported From IgorExchange.com |
Forum topic | how to align text to each bar in the bar chart? | Before 6/15/2018 Imported From IgorExchange.com |
Forum topic | how to make y label from numeric to % | Before 6/15/2018 Imported From IgorExchange.com |
Forum topic | is it possible to make such module to calculate MEAN and SEM automatically? | Before 6/15/2018 Imported From IgorExchange.com |
Forum topic | how to kill table/graph macro that is useless? | Before 6/15/2018 Imported From IgorExchange.com |
Forum topic | if an annotation is out of the window, how to get it back? | Before 6/15/2018 Imported From IgorExchange.com |
Forum topic | in the bar chart, how to re-arrange the sequence of wave? | Before 6/15/2018 Imported From IgorExchange.com |
Forum topic | how to hide a cell of a table in the layout and how to resize the table?? | Before 6/15/2018 Imported From IgorExchange.com |
Forum topic | misc->picture, is it the right way to add picture to layout? | Before 6/15/2018 Imported From IgorExchange.com |
Forum topic | how to modify the column name? I only find out the way to modify column cells. | Before 6/15/2018 Imported From IgorExchange.com |
Forum topic | whether Igor pro 7 is compatible with neuromatic, patcher's power tool and tarotool? | Before 6/15/2018 Imported From IgorExchange.com |
Forum topic | Whether Igor pro 6 is comparable with Mac OS sierra? Anyone tried? | Before 6/15/2018 Imported From IgorExchange.com |
Forum topic | is there any IGOR 7 plugin to load files from axonpatch and to analysis? | Before 6/15/2018 Imported From IgorExchange.com |
Forum topic | how to make add superscript letters to the name of each category bar? | Before 6/15/2018 Imported From IgorExchange.com |
Forum topic | can anyone plz give me a sample on how to use the command "drawline" | Before 6/15/2018 Imported From IgorExchange.com |
Forum topic | how to make this kind of graph? two level category graph. | Before 6/15/2018 Imported From IgorExchange.com |
Forum topic | how to use bootstrap to calculate P value??? | Before 6/15/2018 Imported From IgorExchange.com |
Forum topic | whether IGOR 6 is compatible with new MACOS Mojave??? | 11/20/2018 - 13:31 |
Forum topic | Any miniature I/EPSC analysis plugin for igor8? | 04/24/2019 - 13:57 |
Forum topic | is there a "following" function in this forum?? | 01/24/2019 - 14:09 |
Forum topic | igor pro 7 quit when click "modify axis" | 02/08/2019 - 08:43 |
Forum topic | does Igor pro has plugin for neuronal computing? | 04/25/2019 - 02:12 |