Surface plot wave scaling

I am trying to plot 2D transient absorption signal (as a function of time and wavelength) in a surface plot using Gizmo. I created a 2d wave and then used "Change Wave Scaling" to get the time and wavelength axes in the correct range. However, the time axis from my data is not evenly spaced (it changes by 0.1, 0.5, 1 and 5 ps). When I set the scale to start at 0ps and end at 300ps, the plot scales itself but does not reflect the exact times from my raw data. How can I set the scale (y-axis for time) so that the correct (actual) times are displayed in the surface plot?

If your data are not sampled on an evenly spaced grid you have two basic options:
1. Resample the data. You can do that using ImageInterpolate or the Resample operations.
2. Convert your data into a parametric wave and display as a parametric surface.

Here are more details if you decide to use (2)
Suppose your data is a 2D wave of N rows by M columns called "my2dWave". The first step is to create a 3D wave:
Make/N=(N,M,3) parametricWave

Next assign your z-values:

Now assign the regular y-values using offset and delta:

Now assign the x-values, e.g., if you have a 1D wave for these values use something like:

With the parametric wave ready, create a new Gizmo plot, add a surface object and choose Parametric for Source Type and choose parametricWave as your Surface Wave. You can find an example of a parametric plot under File Menu->Example Experiments->Visualization->GizmoSphere.

I hope this helps,

WaveMetrics, Inc.