Loading data

I Load my data from one path with this code:
Function Parameters()
GBLoadWave "D:DATA:Parameters.txt"

But I have two questions:
1. How can I show my data in one table ?(I use new table and I see my data in table but it is not update) I like that this datas appeare and update when my code is execute.
2. In another part of my code I need this number The above-mentioned. So how can I call this number frome table in anather part of my code?

1) Assuming that GBLoadwave loads data into one wave named e.g. wave0, add edit wave0 or AppendToTable wave0.

2) I don't quite understand what you mean by "this number", but assuming you want to work on wave0 in another function you need to create a wave reference. Execute DisplayHelpTopic "Accessing waves in functions"
Thanks for answer.
I did and I can see my datas in table and it is great but it is not update the datas, when My datas change, it shows previous datas!
This is my code:
GBLoadWave/N=Trap_p "D:DATA:Parameters.txt"
Edit /N=Trap_p
AppendToTable Trap_p
my problem is Flag T, I have not idea what number put in T=( , ).
My datas are like :

GBLoadwave is for loading binary data.

That looks like text data to me.

Perhaps you need LoadWave, instead. Or just try using the Load Waves... menu.

--Jim Prouty
Software Engineer, WaveMetrics, Inc.