Show Hidden Window

Another very simple one I can't figure out.

I've hidden all of the graphs I have (there's a ton of them, all necessary). How do I show a particular one? I've had marginal success using DoWindow

DoWindow /HIDE=0 Graph113

But that does not work for all windows (actually it really only works on windows I've hidden using a similar command.) (DoWindow /HIDE=1 Graph113)

There's got to be an easier way to simply unhide a window. SetWindow doesn't work either....

I've tried searching, but I can't find any similar topics in the forums.
reepingk wrote:
There's got to be an easier way to simply unhide a window. SetWindow doesn't work either....

I've tried searching, but I can't find any similar topics in the forums.

Adam's Window Desktops package is very nice to handle this sort of thing.

J. J. Weimer
Chemistry / Chemical & Materials Engineering, UAHuntsville
You can try DoWindow/F

DoWindow /HIDE=0 Graph113

But that does not work for all windows (actually it really only works on windows I've hidden using a similar command.) (DoWindow /HIDE=1 Graph113)

I can not reproduce this as follows in Igor Pro 6.32A on Macintosh and Windows in a new experiment:
1. Create graph
2. Shift-click graph to hide it
3. DoWindow/HIDE=0 Graph0

If you can come up with a formula that reproduces the problem please provide it and include your OS and Igor version.
hrodstein wrote:
You can try DoWindow/F

DoWindow /HIDE=0 Graph113

But that does not work for all windows (actually it really only works on windows I've hidden using a similar command.) (DoWindow /HIDE=1 Graph113)

I can not reproduce this as follows in Igor Pro 6.32A on Macintosh and Windows in a new experiment:
1. Create graph
2. Shift-click graph to hide it
3. DoWindow/HIDE=0 Graph0

If you can come up with a formula that reproduces the problem please provide it and include your OS and Igor version.

OS: Mac os X 10.8.3
Igor: 6.12

1. Open a new experiment
2. Import delimited text
3. Create graph
4. Shift Click the Red button (Mac) to hide the window
5. SetWindow Graph0, hide=0 --> Doesn't work (Yes Graph0 is the name of the graph, it's in the "Windows" menu bar.)
6. DoWindow /HIDE=0 Graph0 --> Doesn't work
7. DoWindow /HIDE=? Graph0 returns 1 in V_flag (which means that dowindow knows it's hidden)
7.5 DoWindow /HIDE=? Graph0 also returns 1 in V_flag when the window is NOT hidden.

If I do THIS, it works.

1. Open a new experiment
2. Import delimited text
3. Create graph
4. SetWindow Graph0, hide=1 (Hides the graph)
5. SetWindow Graph0, hide=0 (Unhides the graph)

But, this doesn't help me. It's much easier to use the menu bar to "Hide All Graphs" then bring back the ones I want specifically.


Ok, SetWindow Graph0, hide=0 (Unhides the graph) works after you use the menu bar to "Hide All Graphs" but NOT if you try anything with "DoWindow" first.... AND NOT when you shift click the close button to hide the window...

I guess it was just trial and error. What the heck is DoWindow for anyway?
1. Open a new experiment
2. Import delimited text
3. Create graph
4. Shift Click the Red button (Mac) to hide the window
5. SetWindow Graph0, hide=0

I can't reproduce this using Igor Pro 6.12 or any other version.

Perhaps you are being confused by the fact that DoWindow /HIDE=0 and SetWindow Graph0, hide=0 unhide the window but do not bring it to the top of the desktop. Thus it will be behind any other windows that exist.

DoWindow/F unhides the window AND brings it to the top of the desktop.

7. DoWindow /HIDE=? Graph0 returns 1 in V_flag (which means that dowindow knows it's hidden)

This actually means that the window is visible. 2 means that it is hidden.

What the heck is DoWindow for anyway?

It provides a collection of window-related actions. It was created in 1987 or thereabouts and is too much of a hodge-podge. You can use SetWindow and KillWindow for many of its actions. However for bringing a window to the front you must use DoWindow/F.

6.12 is very old. We have fixed a lot of bugs and added many new features since then. See:

You can update to the latest by choosing Help->Updates for Igor.

Thanks for the reply. I tried my first part (that you can't replicate) many times, each time it didn't work. Since the only window I had was Graph0 (and the command window), I should have seen it regardless. There was nothing it could hide behind.

But regardless, we've found a working solution. I've also updated (didn't know I could.) I was thrown off because usually the "Check for updates" menu item is in the left most menu bar (at least on a mac.) Then again I spent a whole 5 seconds looking for an update button so I can't say I tried too hard.

Again, thank all of you for your help.