Recreation Macro

How do you get of the "recreation macro" saving dialog when you close a panel! It is possible but i don't now how.
I don't want to press cmd all the time.
In the procedure window locate your panel macro, it will look something like this:

Window ControlPanel() : Panel
PauseUpdate; Silent 1 // building window...
NewPanel /K=1 /W=(229,44,1066,759) as "Control"

Add the /K=1 flag. See the manual for full description.

/K=k Specifies window behavior when the user attempts to close it.
k =0: Normal with dialog (default).
k =1: Kills without dialog.
k =2: Disables killing.
k =3: Hides the window.
If you use /K=2 or /K=3, the only way to kill the window is via DoWindow/K.