SavePict /W=(0,0,0,0) for full page export (PDF)

I am trying to export a layout which is set to A4 size to a PDF file with option /W=(0,0,0,0) for a full page, but Igor still cuts the page to the size of the graph inside the layout (which is smaller than the full page). Is it possible that I do something wrong.

I just type

SavePict /W=(0,0,0,0)

in the Command Window.

Thank you!
This feature (/W=(0,0,0,0) exporting the whole page) appears to have been broken long ago. I will investigate.
I spent quite a while looking into this.

The feature of SavePICT/W=(0,0,0,0) on a page layout writing the full page was added in Igor Pro 6.10 in 2008. However, I can find no version of Igor in which it worked correctly. From 6.10 through 6.34, it exports a full but blank page. From 6.35 through 6.37, it acts as if /W were omitted and exports the part of the page that is used plus a margin.

After spending quite some time looking into fixes for this problem, I decided not to fix it for Igor Pro 6.x as the fix would likely create new bugs. I have included below a user-defined function that you can use instead. I plan to remove the statement about /W=(0,0,0,0) from the Igor6 manual.

The feature does appear to work correctly in Igor7.

// WriteLayoutFullPage(layoutName, pathName, filePath, exportType, resolution, overwrite)
// Writes a page layout to a graphic file using the full page including margins.
// Example:
//  WriteLayoutFullPage("Layout0", "OutputPath", "Test WriteLayoutFullPage.png", -5, 72, 1)
// If you provide a symbolic path name via pathName and filePath is "", it uses a default file name
// consisting of the layout name with the appropriate extension - e.g., "Layout0.png".
// Otherwise, if you pass "" for pathName and filePath is not a full path, it displays the Save File dialog.
// It also displays the Save File dialog if the file specified by pathName and filePath exist and you pass 0 for overwrite.
Function WriteLayoutFullPage(layoutName, pathName, filePath, exportType, resolution, overwrite)
    String layoutName       // Name of layout window or "" for top layout window
    String pathName     // Symbolic path name or ""
    String filePath         // File name, partial path relative to symbolic path or full path
    Variable exportType     // Export type code as described under SavePICT /E
    Variable resolution     // Export resolution as described under SavePICT /B
                            // resolution makes a difference only for bitmap formats
    Variable overwrite      // 1=overwrite existing file, 0=display Save File dialog if existing file
    String info = LayoutInfo(layoutName, "LAYOUT")
    String paperSizeStr = StringByKey("PAPER", info)        // e.g., "0,0,612,792"
    Variable left, top, right, bottom
    sscanf paperSizeStr, "%g,%g,%g,%g", left, top, right, bottom
    if (overwrite)
        SavePICT/P=$pathName/E=(exportType)/B=(resolution)/W=(left,top,right,bottom)/O as filePath
        SavePICT/P=$pathName/E=(exportType)/B=(resolution)/W=(left,top,right,bottom) as filePath