Getting Peak results from Multi-peak fit in a function

Hello all,
I am thinking can I access the variables which store the multi-peak fit (version 2.0) results after the iterations ; in a function after every iteration. I am trying to make a new wave out of the locations & area of the several peaks in a spectra. (Strategy is to run the function after the multi-peak fit, and then after every subsequent fit for different peaks out there , to access those variables. I am not sure it will work !)
I am using Igor Pro 6.35

Thank you for replies (I hope to get some).
MPF_ResultsListWave has the the data I was looking for, though its a text wave. Issue solved.
The coefficient waves used in the fit are available in a data folder. Using the Data Browser, look in root:Packages:MultiPeakFit2:MPF_SetFolder_n: where n is the set number. You will find a wave with a name like Peak n Coefs for each peak that was fit. Here, n is the peak number. Those waves are the raw fit results.

John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
Thank you John for the information. Its quite useful (now I can directly take up the values; rather than take from the text wave MPF2ResultsListWave; saves code for conversion!!)