SFL: Structure and Functions

This provides the structure and functions that are the core to developing a STANDARDIZED FILE LOADER.


The package provides a proposed standard STRUCTURE and a set of standard functions to implement the development of a standardized file loader. A standardized file loader is defined as one that will interface in a defined manner with an external user interface.

Distribution Details

  • Experiments: none
  • Procedure Files:udFLStandardStructure and udFLStandardFunctions
  • XOPS: none
  • Demos: none
  • Requires Packages: none
  • Help Files: none
  • Documentation: Working Proposal (PDF)

Installation Notes

To install this package, download and unzip the archive. Move the folder to the User Procedures folder of Igor Pro. You may remove the documentation sub-folder to a different location.

User Notes

Please read the working proposal for details.


Project Details

Project CVS: http://svn.igorexchange.com/viewvc/packages/udFLStandardStructure/

Current Project Release

udFLStandardStructure IGOR.6.03.x-2.x-dev

Release File: udFLStandardStructure-IGOR.6.03.x-2.x-dev.zip (157.84 KB)
Version: IGOR.6.03.x-2.x-dev
Version Date:
Version Major: 2
Version Extra: dev
OS Compatibility: Mac-Intel Windows
Release Notes:


This is the development release for updates to version 2.x of the package.
View All Releases




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