Tidy Screen


This package puts up a panel to allow windows to be Moved, Sized, Sized by Aspect Ratio, or Shifted with most input values as percentage of screen size.

Distribution Details

  • Experiments: none
  • Procedure Files: TidyScreen
  • XOPS: none
  • Demos: none
  • Requires Packages: ScreenSizer (Version 2.4 or greater)
  • Benefits from Packages: PackageTools
  • Help Files: TidyScreenHelp
  • Documentation: the Web pages for this project

User Notes

To open the panel, use the menu Misc:Panels:TidyScreen.

Open the help file for details. Alternatively, after the package is installed and included in an experiment, type TidyScreen#Help() on the Igor Pro command line.


Project Details

Project CVS: http://svn.igorexchange.com/viewvc/packages/TidyScreen/

Current Project Release

TidyScreen IGOR.6.20.x-1.4

Release File: TidyScreen-IGOR.6.20.x-1.4.zip (51.09 KB)
Version: IGOR.6.20.x-1.4
Version Date:
Version Major: 1
Version Patch Level: 4
OS Compatibility: Mac-Intel Windows
Release Notes:


Code changes.
View All Releases




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