Photoemission pair fitting

A very old, as-is, you are on your own, your milage may vary version of multi-peak fitting for special voigt pairs that occur in photoemission work.

Project Details

Current Project Release

Photoemission pair fitting IGOR.5.00.x-0.1.0

Release File: Photoemission (19.04 KB)
Version: IGOR.5.00.x-0.1.0
Version Date:
Version Major: 0
OS Compatibility: Mac-Intel Windows
Release Notes: Version 1.01: converted | to // and added NVARs to procedure files. Removed use XFUNs checkbox and copied help from old XOP file to the bottom of this notebook. Removed discussion of XOPs. Added ability to free ratio, splitting and shape (previously these were always fixed.)

This is a very specialized version of the Multi-peak fit package.
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