Size Distribution Fitting (lognormal) - Wdie-Range Particle Sizer (WPS) Data Processing

This igor procedure is to handle the airborne particle size distribution data measured using Wdie-Range Particle Sizer (WPS), since the original software provided along with the instrument is not very user-friendly.

Starting with a neatly organized panel, all functions are simple and straightforward:
- Load raw data with a single click;
- Automatically obtain major parameters (RH, temperature) and calculate the hourly average; (daily or monthly average will be added in future release)
- Graphing (size distribution, color-coded by number conc.);
- Fit the size distribution into three log-normal modes (aitken/accumulation/coarse), using Lavenburg-Marquardt method.

Ver 2.0 release on 15 Mar 2012.
- dS/dlogDp and dV/dlogDp now included.

Ver 1.5 released on 1 Mar 2012. Major updates include:
- Diffusion loss correction is considered, based on temperature, pressure and a few user-supplied parameters. Using method described in Hinds (1999).
- Some minor bugs fixed.

Feel free to contact with me at wangsiyuan AT ust DOT hk
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Current Project Release

Size Distribution Fitting (lognormal) - Wdie-Range Particle Sizer (WPS) Data Processing IGOR.6.20.x-2.0

Release File: WPS Data Handling - Release v2.pxp (3.84 MB)
Version: IGOR.6.20.x-2.0
Version Date:
Version Major: 2
Version Patch Level: 0
OS Compatibility: Windows
Release Notes: NA
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