Hyperspectral Browser

A browser for hyperspectral datasets.

The data must be saved as a 3D wave, with x and y representing spatial coordinates and waveform spectroscopic data stored in the z dimension. The browser provides a user interface to efficiently view spectra at different pixel locations or to average spectra over a region of interest.



Project Details

Current Project Release

Hyperspec IGOR.8.00.x-1.03

Release File: Hyperspec103.zip (27 KB)
Version: IGOR.8.00.x-1.03
Version Date:
Version Major: 1
Version Patch Level: 03
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

Adds package preferences so that settings can be retained. Precision of output waves matches that of hyperspectral data.

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OK. This looks so cool that I want to run out and collect hyperspectra just to use it!!!

As you may have surmised, my three recent project releases were motivated by working with infrared hyperspectra generated by a focal plane array detector. I hope though that parts of this work will be more generally useful for Igor Pro users who work with spatially-resolved spectroscopic data. In version 1.01 I've added a demo function for testing the interface: execute hyperspec#demo() from the command line to generate some fake data.

That looks very nice. I wish this project had been around when I was still working with hyperspectral data. The selection of regions is very elegant.

Perhaps it would also be good if the exported spectra could retain the original wave and range as a note. Otherwise there is a risk that this might be forgotten.

And is there a reason why the exported wave is Single Float 32 bit (and not Double Float 64 bit)? Information may be lost here.

These issues are addressed in version 1.03. The precision of exported waves is now the same as that of the input data. When an output wave represents a pixel selected with the crosshair cursor or a rectangular region selected with the marquee, the range is saved in the wave's note. If you select a collection of pixels, draw a ROI using the UI, or use drawing layer shapes to select a region of interest, the output wave's note contains the name of the input wave + 'masked region'.




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