I tried to use Graph>packages>append calibrator to add scale bar, with "print with units" chosen I added the scale bar to the graph. but the units does not comes out. I wonder I need to define the units first but I don't find out where to this.
BTW, is it possible to change the y axis number of calibrator to vertical direction?
I got it works. the reason for the failure last time was that I scaled a wrong wave which is not the one used by the graph.
May I ask some other related questions if possible?
1, in the case when I imported Dozens of waves with same name under different folder, how to find out the right wave that the graph is using normally?
for example I am trying to modify a graphs showing wave "RecordA0", while I have several wave named RecordA0 in different folders named like 2013_12_11, 2013_12_12, 2013_12_13, 2013_12_14.
2, after generating the calibrator (scale bar), how to rotate Y lable by 90 degree?
3, when I generate the calibrator, I choose Arial 12 as the font configuration of label. but it looks bigger than the text typed in the layout which should be same Arial 12.
4, in the layout, if I type something and I enlarge the text using arrow. the size of the text become bigger as well. In this case whether the size of font becomes meaningless?
May I ask some other related questions if possible?
1, in the case when I imported Dozens of waves with same name under different folder, how to find out the right wave that the graph is using normally?
for example I am trying to modify a graphs showing wave "RecordA0", while I have several wave named RecordA0 in different folders named like 2013_12_11, 2013_12_12, 2013_12_13, 2013_12_14.
3, when I generate the calibrator, I choose Arial 12 as the font configuration of label. but it looks bigger than the text typed in the layout which should be same Arial 12.
The size of a font in a graph is scaled to the size of the graph. The size of a font in the layout is sized to the entire layout. When you make the graph bigger or smaller in a layout, the fonts inside it resize accordingly.
pangeng wrote:
4, in the layout, if I type something and I enlarge the text using arrow. the size of the text become bigger as well. In this case whether the size of font becomes meaningless?
J. J. Weimer
Chemistry / Chemical & Materials Engineering, UAHuntsville
1, in the case when I imported Dozens of waves with same name under different folder, how to find out the right wave that the graph is using normally?
for example I am trying to modify a graphs showing wave "RecordA0", while I have several wave named RecordA0 in different folders named like 2013_12_11, 2013_12_12, 2013_12_13, 2013_12_14.
Go to the Graph menu and select Show Trace Info Tags. Now when you point the mouse at a trace a help tag will pop up showing the names of wave(s) used for the trace and the full data folder path of those waves.
2, after generating the calibrator (scale bar), how to rotate Y lable by 90 degree?
The calibrator is implemented as grouped drawing objects. If you turn on the drawing tools (Graph->Show Tools; make sure the lower button is active so you see all the drawing tools) you can click on the calibrator to select it. Go to the Mover tool (the bulldozer) and select Ungroup. Now you can select the labels individually; double-click on a label to get a dialog where you can edit the angle of the text. Probably after you do this you will need to move it slightly- with the label selected the arrow keys will move it by small increments.
After you have done this, it is a good idea to re-group the elements so they stay together: drag a marquee around all the elements to select all of them, then go to the bulldozer again and select Group.
Read in the help:
DisplayHelpTopic "Drawing"
If you haven't done it yet, take a look at Help->Getting Started, particularly the first half of the Guided Tour.
My question has bee fixed except for unifying the size of text.
I will keep reading the help document and including what jjweimer suggested. currently i just finished reading the tutorial part of manual.
3, when I generate the calibrator, I choose Arial 12 as the font configuration of label. but it looks bigger than the text typed in the layout which should be same Arial 12.
Make sure your layout window is showing at 100% magnification before you compare the sizes.
DisplayHelpTopic "The Waveform Model of Data"
Add units to your data wave by the SetScale operation or in the Data->Change Wave Scaling... menu.
J. J. Weimer
Chemistry / Chemical & Materials Engineering, UAHuntsville
June 29, 2014 at 07:04 am - Permalink
Thank you Weimer, but it still does not work for me. Perhaps some configuration I made was wrong.
June 29, 2014 at 06:57 pm - Permalink
See attached screen shot.
--Jim Prouty
Software Engineer, WaveMetrics, Inc.
June 30, 2014 at 04:16 pm - Permalink
thank you, I will try this
July 1, 2014 at 01:30 am - Permalink
I got it works. the reason for the failure last time was that I scaled a wrong wave which is not the one used by the graph.
May I ask some other related questions if possible?
1, in the case when I imported Dozens of waves with same name under different folder, how to find out the right wave that the graph is using normally?
for example I am trying to modify a graphs showing wave "RecordA0", while I have several wave named RecordA0 in different folders named like 2013_12_11, 2013_12_12, 2013_12_13, 2013_12_14.
2, after generating the calibrator (scale bar), how to rotate Y lable by 90 degree?
3, when I generate the calibrator, I choose Arial 12 as the font configuration of label. but it looks bigger than the text typed in the layout which should be same Arial 12.
4, in the layout, if I type something and I enlarge the text using arrow. the size of the text become bigger as well. In this case whether the size of font becomes meaningless?
July 1, 2014 at 03:53 am - Permalink
Review the help files here ...
DisplayHelpTopic "Trace Names"
DisplayHelpTopic "TraceNameToWaveRef"
DisplayHelpTopic "GetWavesDataFolder"
The size of a font in a graph is scaled to the size of the graph. The size of a font in the layout is sized to the entire layout. When you make the graph bigger or smaller in a layout, the fonts inside it resize accordingly.
J. J. Weimer
Chemistry / Chemical & Materials Engineering, UAHuntsville
July 1, 2014 at 04:58 am - Permalink
The calibrator is implemented as grouped drawing objects. If you turn on the drawing tools (Graph->Show Tools; make sure the lower button is active so you see all the drawing tools) you can click on the calibrator to select it. Go to the Mover tool (the bulldozer) and select Ungroup. Now you can select the labels individually; double-click on a label to get a dialog where you can edit the angle of the text. Probably after you do this you will need to move it slightly- with the label selected the arrow keys will move it by small increments.
After you have done this, it is a good idea to re-group the elements so they stay together: drag a marquee around all the elements to select all of them, then go to the bulldozer again and select Group.
Read in the help:
DisplayHelpTopic "Drawing"
If you haven't done it yet, take a look at Help->Getting Started, particularly the first half of the Guided Tour.
John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
support@wavemetrics.com Go to the Graph menu and select Show Trace Info Tags. Now when you point the mouse at a trace a help tag will pop up showing the names of wave(s) used for the trace and the full data folder path of those waves.
July 1, 2014 at 09:04 am - Permalink
My question has bee fixed except for unifying the size of text.
I will keep reading the help document and including what jjweimer suggested. currently i just finished reading the tutorial part of manual.
July 2, 2014 at 01:09 am - Permalink
Make sure your layout window is showing at 100% magnification before you compare the sizes.
--Jim Prouty
Software Engineer, WaveMetrics, Inc.
July 2, 2014 at 04:29 pm - Permalink