Image Plot directly from a 3D wave

Hello all,

I have a 3D wave and want to make image plots directly from this wave. Is it possible to work directly with a 3D wave or do I need to make 2D waves from my source wave first? When I try AppendImage operation I get an error.

AppendImage dNdlogdAF[][][0] vs {binnedData_AFTimeWave, afBinList} 

Thank you
You can try:
NewImage dNdlogdAF

This will plot the first layer of the wave. You can then follow with, e.g.
ModifyImage dNdlogdAF plane=15

You can also use Gizmo to display orthogonal slices of this wave.

WaveMetrics, Inc.
Thanks for your comment. However, this wasn't so helpful. If I use  NewImage operation, I can't use my data neither for x-axis nor for y-axis. I have time data for x-axis and size bins for y-axis. I just want to use the layers as matrixes for separate image plots. Do you have any suggestions for that?
Use Display;AppendImage dNdlogdAF vs {binnedData_AFTimeWave, afBinList}
That displays layer 0 by default. Now you can use ModifyImage dNdlogdAF plane=<whatever>

John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.