Data import
I'm new to igor and Im trying to load my data. The data is a text file containing 4 columns, and a header, via the tweaks feature I can skip the header from being loaded into my data and I also make sure that it ignores blanks after each column. However Igor always imports the data leaving a blank line after each set of point (See table), how can I get rid of this?
Then display the resulting wave in a table. Look for consecutive values of 10 (linefeed) or 13 (carriage return). If you find them then this is an issue with your file.
If that does not explain the issue, if you post your data file and the command you are using to load it, I will investigate. Alternatively, send them to WaveMetrics support.
November 16, 2011 at 10:45 am - Permalink
thanks for the explanation, I can indeed see consecutive values of 13. Do you have any suggestion of how I can avoid it?
I uploaded the data file in the add.
November 17, 2011 at 12:35 am - Permalink
At any rate, I have written a procedure that will load the file. It works by creating a temporary file with the extra CR removed. The procedure is available as a snippet at
I have also attached the procedure file to this comment. To use it, download the attached procedure file and save it in your "Igor Procedures" folder. Then restart Igor. Igor will automatically load the procedure file. Then choose "Remove Extra Line Breaks and Load" from the Data->Load Waves submenu.
But first, learn about the "Igor Pro User Files" folder, which is the parent of the "Igor Procedure" folder, by executing this and reading the help:
November 17, 2011 at 09:51 am - Permalink
Ok it works perfect,
Thanks a lot
November 18, 2011 at 04:57 am - Permalink