"Proportional to" symbol with Igor Tex


I am trying to generate a "proportional to" symbol with Igor Tex for one of my axes labels. I have tried \propto and \proportional and cannot think of many more things to try. I want to avoid using the "alpha" symbol.

I have attached a bare-bones file with a plot which has the y-axis labeled in case I need a minimal working example.

Thanks all

A file with a plot that has the y-axis labeled. I want to put a "proportional to" symbol on the axis label with Igor Tex (5.29 KB)

I'm not sure what your ultimate goal is, but if you just need Greek letters and a "proportional to" character, I would not use Igor TeX. I would use Unicode symbols:

Label left "\\Z12α ∝ β"

I composed that command in the Axis Label tab of theModify Axis dialog. I found all three characters in the Character menu to the left of text composing area.

John, I had a similar problem a while ago with insertion of a parallel symbol. There is a perpendicular symbol in the character picker, but no companion parallel symbol. Any chance of adding one?

Hi John, I should have clarified that I was after a vertical parallel-bar symbol, not slanted or italic. The unicode character exists, but I do not have it in my available fonts. It is meant to illustrate the parallel counter-part to the vertical-upright perpendicular symbol.

If you can find the appropriate Unicode character, you can add it to the character picker. See the button at the bottom of the picker.