Copy Graph Subwindow

Is it possible to copy a graph subwindow embedded in a panel for pasting in another application?  My tests so far show the entire panel is copied.

This has been addressed here:…

Basically, you need to create a self standing copy of the graph and then you can do what you want with it.

Here is my current version which works for my specific case:

// how to copy Graph subwindow embedded in panel
// calling: DuplGraphInPanelSubwndw("PanelName#GraphName")
// You should end up with new graph, copy,... , kill at the end 
Function DuplGraphInPanelSubwndw(String gname)
    String rec = WinRecreation(gname, 0)   
    Variable lines=ItemsInList(rec, "\r")
    Variable i
    String newrec = ReFactorWinRec(rec)
    Execute newrec
Function/S ReFactorWinRec(WRstr)
    string WRstr
    string gstr
    string fstr, istr, rstr, estr
    // remove the /W component
    gstr = "((?s).+)(Display/W=\(\\d+,\\d+,\\d+,\\d+\))((?s).+)"   
    SplitString/E=gstr WRstr, istr, rstr, estr   
    fstr = istr + "Display" + estr
    // remove the /HOST component
    gstr = "((?s).+)(/HOST=#)((?s).+)" 
    SplitString/E=gstr fstr, istr, rstr, estr  
    fstr = istr + estr
    return (fstr)




Thanks.  I had found this brief thread from earlier this year, but had dismissed it since the need was to use the graph in Igor.  Of course, I missed one use, to permit user to export as TIFF.  For now, I will avoid the subpanel issue completely, but may return to it when I have more time.