Speed of wave assignments using wave reference waves

I've found that when I'm using a wave reference wave, my code actually runs faster if I declare each wave I want to use as it's own wave object before operating on it:
Wave myWave = waveRefWave[0] ... = myWave * x
as opposed to just operating directly on the indexed wave reference wave:
... = waveRefWave[0] * x
In this test function, I make two 3D waves that are just added together into an output wave. The first loop does the extra wave assignment step, and is always a decent bit faster than the second loop, which operates directly on the wave reference wave. This doesn't make a lot of sense to me, but I might just misunderstand something about wave reference waves that goes on under the hood. Thoughts?
Function testFunc() //Make two 3D waves and a wave reference wave Make/O/N=(500,500,200) root:wave0,root:wave1 Wave/WAVE waveRef = ListToWaveRefWave("root:wave0;root:wave1;") //Make the output wave Make/O/N=(500,500,200) root:outputWave Wave outWave = root:outputWave //Run the loop WITH a separate wave assignment step Variable ref = StartMSTimer Variable i = 0 Do Wave theWave = waveRef[i] Multithread outWave += theWave i += 1 While(i < 2) print "Assigned:",StopMSTimer(ref)/(1e6),"s" //Run the loop WITHOUT the separate wave assignment step ref = StartMSTimer i = 0 Do Multithread outWave += waveRef[i] i += 1 While(i < 2) print "Not assigned:",StopMSTimer(ref)/(1e6),"s" End



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If you write something like MyWave[] = waveRefWave[0] * x I assume the wave declaration is done over and over again for each point of MyWave
February 16, 2020 at 03:08 am - Permalink
How many enries does the wave reference wave has? I suppose two is just for playing around? If yes, have you seen https://www.wavemetrics.com/code-snippet/using-wave-reference-waves-mul…? This would allow you to get rid of the do/while loops and thus should be much faster.
How much is a decent bit faster?
February 16, 2020 at 11:40 am - Permalink
My tests with Igor 8.04 on Windows, using a machine with an 8 core/16 thread processor, show no consistent difference between the two:
February 16, 2020 at 07:26 pm - Permalink
In reply to My tests with Igor 8.04 on… by aclight
Interesting. I just did 20 repeat tests of it and the 'assigned' version was faster every time.
Assign: 1.29 s avg
Not assigned: 1.47 s avg
I'm on 8.05 Mac, 4 core i7
February 17, 2020 at 08:15 pm - Permalink
In reply to If you write something like… by olelytken
@olelytken, that might make sense, but my (mistaken?) impression was that the wave is already declared as waveRefWave[0], so no red-declaration has to happen.
February 17, 2020 at 08:17 pm - Permalink
In reply to How many enries does the… by thomas_braun
@Thomas, yes just two entries for the purposes of testing this out. It's about 170 ms faster for me on this code, so about 11%. It seems to be constant though-- if I take out the multithreading, 'Not assign' is about the same amount slower than 'Assign', even though the overall runtime is much slower. And I hadn't seen that before, but that's very useful thank you!
February 17, 2020 at 08:22 pm - Permalink
OK, I see the problem, my original unassigned loop wasn't doing what I thought and may just be copying the wave reference itself into all the rows/cols/layers of the output wave. Looks like I do need to explicitly declare each wave reference in the wave ref wave before using it.
February 17, 2020 at 11:30 pm - Permalink
In reply to OK, I see the problem, my… by Ben Murphy-Baum
This seems like a bug to me. I'll report this to the author of that code.
February 18, 2020 at 08:02 am - Permalink
@aclight Could you post here once that is resolved? I'd like to have a look if and how that influences my code.
February 19, 2020 at 08:14 pm - Permalink
In reply to @aclight Could you post here… by thomas_braun
Larry has changed Igor 9 so that this gives a compile error on the dd += ww[i] line:
Instead, you would need to write the loop like this:
February 20, 2020 at 07:53 am - Permalink