Size Issues when hosting a graph/Image in a panel

I had made a panel which controls an image selection menu to plot the image. This image is being hosted in the subwindow of the control panel the issue is that despite given a large space to host the image in the panel; the image is the in the default size same as what is usually plotted by IGOR   when plotted from a data browser by right click -> New Image option on wave in the data browser.

The Display command has the /W flag to control window size- it works with both main windows and subwindows. For subwindows, you also have the /FG flag to attach edges of the subwindow to subwindow guides. Doing that makes it possible to create a subwindow that resizes nicely when the host window is resized.

Give this a thorough read: DisplayHelpTopic "Embedding and Subwindows"

Well I had been able to pin down what was wrong.

What I did was

NewPanel /HOST=$ /EXT=0/W=(10,30,340,420)
ModifyPabel Fixedsize=0
Display /W=(20,30,300,400)/Host=#
NewImage /Host=#/N=Preview $cwd1

but the problem crept in due to the 

NewImage/Host=#/N=Preview $cwd1

in order to solve it one need to have

AppendImage $cwd1

But now  my question is if I resize the panel by dragging the corner will my image also adjust to the  ratio the window was stretched?

If not then how can we add this feature?

In reply to by coltblaze

coltblaze wrote:

But now  my question is if I resize the panel by dragging the corner will my image also adjust to the  ratio the window was stretched?

If not then how can we add this feature?

I don't uses subwindows much so I don't have a direct answer to your question, however, in his response John stated:

For subwindows, you also have the /FG flag to attach edges of the subwindow to subwindow guides. Doing that makes it possible to create a subwindow that resizes nicely when the host window is resized.  Give this a thorough read: DisplayHelpTopic "Embedding and Subwindows."

The /FG flag does not serve the purpose in this case.

Display /W=(20,30,300,400)/FG=(FL,FR,FT,FB)/Host=#

When I stretch from a corner to stretch it both ways the stretch is yielded only top to bottom in the image the same happens tfor the single side stretch irrespective of the direction while for sideways it does not yield to any change.

Try this command:

Display /W=(20,30,300,400)/FG=(FL,FT,FR,FB)/Host=#

You swapped FT with FR.