im a newbie please heeeeelp

how can i learn to use this?
i read the manual but i dont understand nothing relly
do you have simple code that i can reed and try to learn from them
do you know any manual different from the program manual
January 28, 2008 at 06:47 pm - Permalink
As recommended, going through the tutorials is an excellent way to start using Igor Pro for the first time. Sitting down with the manual while actually using the program is highly recommended (as opposed to just reading the manual). Should you be interested in something else as well, I have a chapter on data analysis that I prepared for one of my undergraduate engineering lab manuals, and it has a section that introduces the basic use of Igor Pro to plot data and fit it with linear or non-linear regression functions.
(side note: Adam, would the ability for users to post such documents related to the use of Igor Pro independently of code fit in the IgorExchange philosophy, and if so, how ... perhaps as a new type of Project called Documentations ...?)
Can you also explain briefly what exactly you want to accomplish, and perhaps the reponses here can be better directed at your specific needs. For example, tell us what kind of data you have and what you want to do with it.
Finally, if you have not done so, consider joining the Igor email Listserver and certainly keep track of this site for useful hints and tips.
J. J. Weimer
Chemistry / Chemical & Materials Engineering, UAH
January 29, 2008 at 06:36 am - Permalink
i join to the digest email list and i see the example of the reverse wave i try to find things like that
to start to learn i need to know the basics commands and a lot of examples of that commands
i wanna read the chapter that you writed maybe that can help me to learn more about how to use the program in the best way
the manual is too big 2000 pages T_T, and is not easy and fast to understand and have very few examples
is not writen for a newbie is more writed to the more experienced users
January 29, 2008 at 05:17 pm - Permalink
Start with the Guided Tour and then read other chapters as needed. Doing the Guided Tour is essential.
January 30, 2008 at 03:18 pm - Permalink
Here's an interesting super-simple introduction to Igor created by a user (recovered from the Wayback Machine, circa 2006):
January 30, 2008 at 07:53 pm - Permalink
There is also a circa 2018 book from Martin Schmid:
Programming in Igor Pro, by Martin Schmid
Programming in Igor Pro: A Comprehensive Introduction (paperback: 146 pages) by Martin Schmid is an introductory text to Igor's built-in programming language (Igor 7 and above).
You will learn about fundamental aspects like functions, variables, and strings - but also about regular expressions, bitwise operations, and graphical user interfaces.
In addition, the book comes with 15 fully functional example projects.
This book is the right choice for you if:
July 27, 2018 at 04:22 pm - Permalink