Axis title emerges when making a map


I find that axis titles emerge automatically when I try to make a map. These titles could be "Degree", "Longitude", or "Latitude", which can not be deleted from modifying axis. I asked my colleagues for this issue, not solving but hinting that this could be because of some templetes linked but not sure of.

Best regards,
It could be the dimension label from the wave you are displaying. Try to remove any label from the wave with SetScale
olelytken wrote:
It could be the dimension label from the wave you are displaying. Try to remove any label from the wave with SetScale

Instead of deleting the dimension label, I believe that you can override it using the Modify Axis dialog, Axis label tab, Units drop down (left side of dialog window), Manual Override item.

Also, I wonder if there could be multiple axes in use. So check the Axis drop down at the top left of the Modify Axis dialog for axes that may not be obvious from a simple inspection of the graph.

Otherwise, the minimum working example is needed.
olelytken wrote:
It could be the dimension label from the wave you are displaying. Try to remove any label from the wave with SetScale

Sorry for late response. Yes, this helped.


Instead of killing the unit via setscale I would rather prevent the automatic labeling using
Label bottom "\u#2"

Hi All,

This issue was solved by switching off the preference in the Misc popup or directly deleting the "Igor Pro 7" folder (/Users/XXX/Library/Preferences/WaveMetrics/Igor\ Pro\ 7) and the "Igor Pro 7.ini" file (/Users/mingjing/Library/Preferences/WaveMetrics/Igor\ Pro\ 7.ini)
