Anomalous Error with Make

I get a function execution error for make. name already exists as a wave. I've run a search through all my procedure files, and confirmed that every single time I use 'make' I use make/o(with whatever other flags are relevant for that wave). Is there some implicit use of 'make' in native Igor functions that can throw this error?
Have you tried debugging?
Right click on the code check 'Enable Debugger' & 'Debug on Error'. It should stop after the line that causes the error.

I don't think Make/O will overwrite a wave of another type. Make/O MyWave will not overwrite MyWave if it already exist as a text wave, but the error message you get will usually tell you if that is the case.
One way I can see this error occurring is in trying to create a reserved wave-iterator symbol wave. What do I mean:

make/o x
make/o y
make/o z
make/o p
make/o q
make/o t


That's why I prefix wave names with w_.

@_sk: This provokes already a compilation error "name already exists as a function" in IP6 and IP7
Speaking of that, which IP version causes the anomalous error?
HJDrescher wrote:
@_sk: This provokes already a compilation error "name already exists as a function" in IP6 and IP7
Speaking of that, which IP version causes the anomalous error?

Yes, indeed the error is, as you suggested, name already exists as a function. Although it need not be triggered at compile time but on runtime if executed as a string, i.e.: execute/q "make/o x" (compiles fine, runtime error on some interpreter level compilation, I guess).

I Agree. However, the error dialogue is labeled "Error from Execute" in that case.

This info might help to trace the mistake.
Thank you all very much. I'm using a 64 bit version of 6.37. I'd read about the debugger but I had no idea how to actually activate it. This is my new favorite thing. There was a make without an /o that I missed while skipping through the code.