Loading the ODRPACK95 package

I would like to use the ODRPACK95 package, which (I believe) can be found here: http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1268782 , to do some curve fitting in which both the X and Y waves have error statistics. This is discussed in the curve fitting manual here: http://www.wavemetrics.net/doc/igorman/III-08%20Curve%20Fitting.pdf . However, I'm having trouble actually loading the ODRPACK95 code into Igor so that it can be used. Where do I put the software on my computer (a Mac) and how do I tell Igor where it is? Thanks in advance.
I suspect you are misreading the documentation. The tools you need for ODR fitting are available in IGOR. Use the documentation to determine how to set up your problem but you should not need to download anything for external sites.

Thanks for your quick reply. I'm still lead to believe that this might be something I have to import because I'm getting a "unknown flag" warning upon compilation when I have the /ODR=2 flag set.
Check your version of IGOR. Assuming that you are using IP 6.3x you can execute from the command line:
Displayhelptopic "ODR Fitting Examples"

If you copy the code and execute it in order, you should have no problem with executing the line:
CurveFit/ODR=2 line, YLineData/X=YLineXData/D

Right: it turns out that the /ODR=2 flag needs to come right after "FitFunc", as in "FitFunc /ODR=2 ...". All set - thanks!