
Just a small procedure file to use LaTeX under Windows with Igor Notebooks. Quite rudimentary programming, use with care. You might have to twiddle with the source code for pointing the package to your latex BIN directory. Please read the documentation contained in the *.pxp.

NOT useful for MacOS without substantial modifications (the latex.exe call is OS specific).

Tested with 6.12A but originally written for IP5.05A...not sure if it works there still.

Note that there is a nifty LaTeXinIGOR package already on IgorExchange, which uses a similar programming approach (greetings Jesús!) but has a very different user interface. LaTeXinIGOR is better if you want to generate, e.g., labels for use in graphs or on panels, while iLaTeX was specifically written for use in Igor notebooks. Slightly different latex tools are needed for both packages (iLaTeX uses dvipng instead of LaTeXinIGOR's epstool/pstoedit).


Project Details

Current Project Release

iLaTeX IGOR.5.05.x-0.99

Release File: iLaTeX 2010.pxp (51.03 KB)
Version: IGOR.5.05.x-0.99
Version Date:
Version Major: 0
Version Patch Level: 99
OS Compatibility: Windows
Release Notes: This is the alpha release. Probably useful only for people experienced both in Igor and with LaTeX. Pending interest in this project, further releases for a wider audience can be considered. Help from MacOS people for a cross-platform version would be greatly appreciated - contact me if you're interested in helping out.
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