Generalized Spike Sorting Explorations

This is a set of two procedures that extract spike waveforms from raw electrode traces and then perform principal component analysis and clustering on the extracted waveforms. The resulting classified spike times and spike shapes are displayed along with a rotatble Gizmo scatter plot of the first 3 principal components. This is a very early version and is likely full of bugs and inefficiencies.

Project Details

Current Project Release

Generalized Spike Sorting Explorations IGOR.6.00.x-0.9-alpha

Release File: (478.98 KB)
Version: IGOR.6.00.x-0.9-alpha
Version Date:
Version Major: 0
Version Extra: alpha
Version Patch Level: 9
OS Compatibility: Mac-Intel Windows
Release Notes: Very early version.
Farthest Point clustering appears to work, KMeans is broken at this point.
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