Project Releases
FitXPS IGOR.6.00.x-1.0.4
Release File: | FitXPS_v1.0.4.ipf (67.98 KB) |
Version: | IGOR.6.00.x-1.0.4 |
Version Date: | |
Version Major: | 1 |
Version Patch Level: | 4 |
OS Compatibility: | Windows |
Release Notes: |
A Parameter Set filename is updated after saving a fitting result. The Chi square value is displayed in the scientific format. This version may be the last version of FitXPS v1. |
FitXPS IGOR.6.00.x-1.0.3
Release File: | FitXPS_v1.0.3.ipf (67.57 KB) |
Version: | IGOR.6.00.x-1.0.3 |
Version Date: | |
Version Major: | 1 |
Version Patch Level: | 3 |
OS Compatibility: | Windows |
Release Notes: |
Parameter tables are readjusted. All working configurations are now restored even after killing FitXPS and re-run it. |
FitXPS IGOR.6.00.x-1.0.2
Release File: | FitXPS_v1.0.2.ipf (63.71 KB) |
Version: | IGOR.6.00.x-1.0.2 |
Version Date: | |
Version Major: | 1 |
Version Patch Level: | 2 |
OS Compatibility: | Windows |
Release Notes: |
One big bug for experimental data drawing was fixed. Some other small bugs were also fixed. |
FitXPS IGOR.6.00.x-1.0.1
Release File: | FitXPS_v1.0.1.ipf (62.35 KB) |
Version: | IGOR.6.00.x-1.0.1 |
Version Date: | |
Version Major: | 1 |
Version Patch Level: | 1 |
OS Compatibility: | Windows |
Release Notes: |
FitXPS version 1.0.1 All functions work fine. It can be used for a real work of XPS fitting. |
FitXPS IGOR.6.00.x-1.0-alpha
Release File: | FitXPS_v1.0.alpha_.ipf (59.42 KB) |
Version: | IGOR.6.00.x-1.0-alpha |
Version Date: | |
Version Major: | 1 |
Version Extra: | alpha |
Version Patch Level: | 0 |
OS Compatibility: | Windows |
Release Notes: |
Fit XPS version 1.0 It can go to a local minimum quite well with very rough initial parameter values. |
FitXPS IGOR.6.00.x-0.9.2
Release File: | FitXPS_v0.9.2.ipf (55.72 KB) |
Version: | IGOR.6.00.x-0.9.2 |
Version Date: | |
Version Major: | 0 |
Version Patch Level: | 2 |
OS Compatibility: | Windows |
Release Notes: |
FitXPS 0.9.2 - Normalization method was changed. - Bugs relating Baseline and Background Integral factor were fixed. - Other miscellaneous things were changed. |
FitXPS IGOR.6.00.x-0.9-1
Release File: | FitXPS_v0.9.1.zip (12.59 KB) |
Version: | IGOR.6.00.x-0.9-1 |
Version Date: | |
Version Major: | 0 |
Version Extra: | 1 |
Version Patch Level: | 9 |
OS Compatibility: | Windows |
Release Notes: |
2015.1.21, Ver 0.9.1: The checked free parameters under the unchecked curve N are ignored in the fitting function. Boundary is smoothly treated when the FWHM of a curve (LorW or GauW) is too small for deltaX. |
FitXPS IGOR.6.00.x-0.9.0
Release File: | FitXPS_v0.9.zip (12.36 KB) |
Version: | IGOR.6.00.x-0.9.0 |
Version Date: | |
Version Major: | 0 |
Version Patch Level: | 0 |
OS Compatibility: | Windows |
Release Notes: |
FitXPS: A Core Level X-ray Photoelectron Spectrum Fitting Macro / IgorPro 2015.1.2, version 0.2: It can be used to fit an XPS spectrum by hand. 2015.1.13, version 0.5.1: XPS spectrum can be automatically fitted to Voight profiles with shirley type background The fitting algorithm uses Levenberg-Marquardt method. User interface is almost fixed. Ver. 0.6: All functions works pretty fine. Tougaard background and Doniac-Sunjic line shape are not implemented yet. Several boundary checks in the LvMq fitting function to make more chances to convergence. Ver. 0.7: Tougaard type background was implemented. 2015.1.15, Ver. 0.8: Doniac-Sunjic line shape was implemented. So, basically all functions in the wish-list was implemented. Simple help file was written. Background initial guess function was added. 2015.1.19, Ver 0.9: Fitting loop goes to a local minimum in 20 times in most cases. 2015.1.21, Ver 0.9.1: The checked free parameters under the unchecked curve N are ignored in the fitting function. Boundary is smoothly treated when the FWHM of a curve (LW or GauW) is too small for deltaX. |



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