#pragma rtGlobals=1 // strict wave access makes annoyance!. //#pragma rtGlobals=3 // Use modern global access method and strict wave access. //================================================================================================== // FitXPS: A Core Level X-ray Photoelectron Spectrum Fitting Macro / IgorPro // // written by Prof. Han-Jin Noh, Ph.D. Department of Physics, Chonnam National University, South Korea // // 2015.1.2: version 0.2: It can be used to fit an XPS spectrum by hand. // version 0.3: All function buttons except 'Fit!' basically work even though they are incomplete. // date: 2015.1.11 // version 0.4: now gCvNParSet is a Matrix to implement LvMq fitting method. //2015.1.13 // version 0.5.1: XPS spectrum can be automatically fitted to Voight profiles with shirley type background // The fitting algorithm uses Levenberg-Marquardt method. // version 0.5.2: User interface is almost fixed. // Ver. 0.6: All functions works pretty fine. Tougaard background and Doniac-Sunjic line shape are not implemented yet. // Ver. 0.6.1: Several boundary checks in LvMq fitting functions to make more chances to convergence. // Ver. 0.7: Tougaard type background was implemented. // 2015.1.15, // Ver. 0.8: Doniac-Sunjic line shape was implemented. So, basically all functions in the wish-list have been implemented. // Ver.0.8.1: DS function scale factor problem was fixed. // simple help file was written. // Ver 0.8.2: background initial guess function was added. // Ver 0.9: Fitting loop goes to a local minimum in 20 times at most cases. // Ver 0.9.1: The checked free parameters under the unchecked curve N are ignored in the fitting function. // The boundary is checked when FWHM is too small for deltaX. // Ver 0.9.2: Height normalization is used instead of Area normalization. // Bakcground-related functions are polished. // 2017. 5. 1 // Ver 1.0.alph: LvMq loop works fine. Now it can go to a local minimum point very well. // Graph is divided into two parts, which is more convenient for fitting works. // A lot of bugs are removed. // Ver 1.0.1 All functions work well. It can be used for a real fitting work. // Ver 1.0.2 A few bugs were fixed. // Ver 1.0.3 Parameter table are readjusted. // All working states are now restored even after killing FitXPS and re-run it. // Ver 1.0.4 Parameter Set filename is updated after saving a fitting result. // The Chi square value is displayed in the scientific format. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Menu "Fit XPS" "Fitting XPS", ShowFitXPSPanel() end Proc ShowFitXPSPanel() if(WinType("FitXPS") !=1) // 1:Graph FitXPSPanel() else Print "FitXPS is already running!" endif EndMacro Function InitFitXPS() String savDF = GetDataFolder(1) if(DataFolderExists("root:Packages")==0) NewDataFolder/O/S root:Packages endif if(DataFolderExists("root:Packages:FitXPS")==0) NewDataFolder/O/S root:Packages:FitXPS endif // Set parameter initial values String CvsParSet = "root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet" if( WaveExists($CvsParSet)==0) Make/N=(12,6) $CvsParSet // CvPS[][N] for curve (N+1) Wave CvPS=$CvsParSet CvPS = 0 CvPS[3][0]=1.0 // L.W. for curve 1 CvPS[4][0]=0.7 // G.W. // CvPS[10][0]=0.01 // Base line CvPS[3][1]=1.0 // L.W. for curve 2 CvPS[4][1]=0.7 // G.W. CvPS[3][2]=1.0 // L.W. for curve 3 CvPS[4][2]=0.7 // G.W. CvPS[3][3]=1.0 // L.W. for curve 4 CvPS[4][3]=0.7 // G.W. CvPS[3][4]=1.0 // L.W. for curve 5 CvPS[4][4]=0.7 // G.W. CvPS[3][5]=1.0 // L.W. for curve 6 CvPS[4][5]=0.7 // G.W. // CvPS[0][]=0 // checkbox CvPS[][0~5] for curve 1~6, // CvPS[1][]=0.0 // INT // CvPS[2][]=0.0 // B. E. // CvPS[3][]=1.0 // L. W. // CvPS[4][]=1.0 // G. W. // CvPS[5][]=0.0 // LSE // CvPS[6][]=0.0 // LSI // CvPS[7][]=0.0 // LSW // CvPS[8][]=0.0 // ASY // CvPS[9][]=0.0 // BGD // CvPS[10][0]=0.0 // BaseLine, CvPS[10][1~5] not used. // CvPS[11][0]=Data_Max, CvPS[11][1~5] not used endif // Flag for fitting parameters. FPI[0~11]: curve1, and so on. String FitParIndex = "root:Packages:FitXPS:gFitParIndex" if(WaveExists($FitParIndex)==0) Make/N=(12*6) $FitParIndex Wave FPI = $FitParIndex FPI = 0 endif SVAR spec=root:Packages:FitXPS:gSpectrum if( !SVAR_Exists(spec)) String/G root:Packages:FitXPS:gSpectrum = "Select" endif SVAR para=root:Packages:FitXPS:gParameterName if( !SVAR_Exists(para)) String/G root:Packages:FitXPS:gParameterName="Select" endif SVAR chi=root:Packages:FitXPS:gChisquare if( !SVAR_Exists(chi)) String/G root:Packages:FitXPS:gChisquare = "Chi^2 = N. A." endif SVAR csrA=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCsrA if( !SVAR_Exists(csrA)) String/G root:Packages:FitXPS:gCsrA endif SVAR csrB=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCsrB if( !SVAR_Exists(csrB)) String/G root:Packages:FitXPS:gCsrB endif NVAR UseCsrs=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCsrB if( !NVAR_Exists(UseCsrs)) Variable/G root:Packages:FitXPS:gUseCsrs = 0 endif NVAR BG=root:Packages:FitXPS:gBGType if( !NVAR_Exists(BG)) Variable/G root:Packages:FitXPS:gBGType=0 endif NVAR lam=root:Packages:FitXPS:gLambda if( !NVAR_Exists(lam)) Variable/G root:Packages:FitXPS:gLambda endif NVAR nfp=root:Packages:FitXPS:gNFP if( !NVAR_Exists(nfp)) Variable/G root:Packages:FitXPS:gNFP endif NVAR das=root:Packages:FitXPS:gAllDaSmall if( !NVAR_Exists(das)) Variable/G root:Packages:FitXPS:gAllDaSmall endif NVAR chisq=root:Packages:FitXPS:gChisq0 if( !NVAR_Exists(chisq)) Variable/G root:Packages:FitXPS:gChisq0 endif NVAR spnt=root:Packages:FitXPS:gStartPnt if( !NVAR_Exists(spnt)) Variable/G root:Packages:FitXPS:gStartPnt endif NVAR epnt=root:Packages:FitXPS:gEndPnt if( !NVAR_Exists(epnt)) Variable/G root:Packages:FitXPS:gEndPnt endif SetDataFolder savDF End Function FinalizeFitXPS() String CvsParSet = "root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet" Wave CvsPS=$CvsParSet Variable idx for(idx=0; idx<6; idx+=1) if(CvsPS[0][idx]==1) String CvN sprintf CvN, "Chk_Curve%d", idx+1 Panel_ChkCurveN(CvN, 1) endif endfor String FitParIndex = "root:Packages:FitXPS:gFitParIndex" Wave FPIndex=$FitParIndex if(WaveExists(FPIndex)) Variable FPidx FPidx=dimsize(FPIndex,0) for(idx=0; idx0: title is to the left of pop-up menu. xPosition += 200 PopupMenu Read_Parameters, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Parameter_Click, title="ParSet:" PopupMenu Read_Parameters, mode=1, popvalue=root:Packages:FitXPS:gParameterName PopupMenu Read_Parameters, value=WaveList("*FXPar",";","Dims:2") xPosition += 180+65 Button btnSave, pos={xPosition, yPosition}, proc=Panel_btnSave_Click, size={50,20}, title="Save" xPosition += 55 Button btnView, pos={xPosition, yPosition}, proc=Panel_btnView_Click, size={50,20}, title="View" xPosition += 55 Button btnFit, pos={xPosition, yPosition}, proc=Panel_btnFit_Click, size={50,20}, title="Fit!" xPosition += 55 Button btnClear, pos={xPosition, yPosition}, proc=Panel_btnClear_Click, size={50,20}, title="Clear" xPosition += 55 Button btnUndo, pos={xPosition, yPosition}, proc=Panel_btnUndo_Click, size={50,20}, title="Undo" TitleBox tbBGType, pos={xPosition-65, yPosition+22*2}, anchor=MC, frame=4, size={115,20}, fixedSize=1, title="Background Type" CheckBox chkBGShirley,pos={xPosition-55, yPosition+22*3+2}, title="Shirley", value=1, mode=1, proc=Panel_radioBG_Click CheckBox chkBGTougaard,pos={xPosition-55, yPosition+22*4-2}, title="Tougaard", value=0, mode=1, proc=Panel_radioBG_Click CheckBox chkCsr, pos={xPosition-60, yPosition+22*5}, title="Use Cursors to \rSet Fit. Range", value=0, proc=Panel_chkCsr_Click TitleBox tbChiTitle, pos={xPosition-65, yPosition+22*7}, anchor=MC, frame=4, size={115,20}, fixedSize=1, title="Chi square value" TitleBox tbChisq, pos={xPosition-65, yPosition+22*8}, anchor=MC, frame=0, size={115,20}, fixedSize=1, title=" " TitleBox tbChisq, variable=root:Packages:FitXPS:gChisquare // left column parameter title buttons xPosition = 4 yPosition = 5+28+21 Button btnBE, pos={xPosition, yPosition}, size={46,20}, title="B. E." yPosition += 22 Button btnINT, pos={xPosition, yPosition}, size={46,20}, title="INT" yPosition += 22 Button btnLW, pos={xPosition, yPosition}, size={46,20}, title="LorW" yPosition += 22 Button btnGW, pos={xPosition, yPosition}, size={46,20}, title="GauW" yPosition += 22 Button btnLSE, pos={xPosition, yPosition}, size={46,20}, title="LSE" yPosition += 22 Button btnLSI, pos={xPosition, yPosition}, size={46,20}, title="LSI" yPosition += 22 Button btnLSW, pos={xPosition, yPosition}, size={46,20}, title="LSW" yPosition += 22 Button btnASY, pos={xPosition, yPosition}, size={46,20}, title="ASY" yPosition += 22 Button btnBGD, pos={xPosition, yPosition}, size={46,20}, title="BGD" yPosition += 22 Button btnBL, pos={xPosition, yPosition}, size={46,20}, title="BLine" // first column for curve 1 xPosition = 60 yPosition = 5+28 CheckBox Chk_Curve1, proc=Panel_ChkCurveN, pos={xPosition, yPosition}, title="Curve 1", fColor=(65535,0,0), value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[0][0] xPosition = 45 yPosition += 22 SetVariable Curve1BE, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " SetVariable Curve1BE, limits={-INF,INF,0.01}, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[1][0] CheckBox chk1BE, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" " yPosition += 22 SetVariable Curve1INT, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " SetVariable Curve1INT, limits={0,INF,0.01}, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[2][0] CheckBox chk1INT, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" " yPosition += 22 SetVariable Curve1LW, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " SetVariable Curve1LW, limits={0,INF,0.1}, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[3][0] CheckBox chk1LW, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" " yPosition += 22 SetVariable Curve1GW, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " SetVariable Curve1GW, limits={0,INF,0.05}, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[4][0] CheckBox chk1GW, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" " yPosition += 22 SetVariable Curve1LSE, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " SetVariable Curve1LSE, limits={-INF,INF,0.01}, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[5][0] CheckBox chk1LSE, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" " yPosition += 22 SetVariable Curve1LSI, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " SetVariable Curve1LSI, limits={0,1,0.01}, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[6][0] CheckBox chk1LSI, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" " yPosition += 22 SetVariable Curve1LSW, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " SetVariable Curve1LSW, limits={0,INF,0.1}, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[7][0] CheckBox chk1LSW, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" " yPosition += 22 SetVariable Curve1ASY, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " SetVariable Curve1ASY, limits={0,0.5,0.005}, disable=0, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[8][0] CheckBox chk1ASY, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" ", disable=0 yPosition += 22 SetVariable Curve1BGD, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " SetVariable Curve1BGD, limits={0,10,0.01}, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[9][0] CheckBox chk1BGD, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" " yPosition += 22 SetVariable Curve1BL, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " SetVariable Curve1BL, limits={0,10,0.01}, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[10][0] CheckBox chk1BL, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" " // second column for curve 2 xPosition = 60+92 yPosition=5+28 CheckBox Chk_Curve2, proc=Panel_ChkCurveN, pos={xPosition, yPosition}, title="Curve 2", fColor=(0,65535,0), value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[0][1] xPosition = 45+92 yPosition += 22 SetVariable Curve2BE, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " SetVariable Curve2BE, limits={-INF,INF,0.01}, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[1][1] CheckBox chk2BE, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" " yPosition += 22 SetVariable Curve2INT, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " SetVariable Curve2INT, limits={0,INF,0.01}, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[2][1] CheckBox chk2INT, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" " yPosition += 22 SetVariable Curve2LW, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " SetVariable Curve2LW, limits={0,INF,0.1}, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[3][1] CheckBox chk2LW, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" " yPosition += 22 SetVariable Curve2GW, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " SetVariable Curve2GW, limits={0,INF,0.05}, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[4][1] CheckBox chk2GW, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" " yPosition += 22 SetVariable Curve2LSE, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " SetVariable Curve2LSE, limits={-INF,INF,0.01}, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[5][1] CheckBox chk2LSE, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" " yPosition += 22 SetVariable Curve2LSI, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " SetVariable Curve2LSI, limits={0,1,0.01}, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[6][1] CheckBox chk2LSI, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" " yPosition += 22 SetVariable Curve2LSW, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " SetVariable Curve2LSW, limits={0,INF,0.1}, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[7][1] CheckBox chk2LSW, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" " yPosition += 22 SetVariable Curve2ASY, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " SetVariable Curve2ASY, limits={0,0.5,0.005}, disable=0, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[8][1] CheckBox chk2ASY, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" ", disable=0 // yPosition += 22 // SetVariable Curve2BGD, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " // SetVariable Curve2BGD, limits={0,1,0.001}, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[9][1] // CheckBox chk2BGD, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" " // third column for curve 3 xPosition = 60+92*2 yPosition = 5+28 CheckBox Chk_Curve3, proc=Panel_ChkCurveN, pos={xPosition, yPosition}, title="Curve 3", fColor=(0,0,65535), value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[0][2] xPosition = 45+92*2 yPosition += 22 SetVariable Curve3BE, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " SetVariable Curve3BE, limits={-INF,INF,0.01}, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[1][2] CheckBox chk3BE, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" " yPosition += 22 SetVariable Curve3INT, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " SetVariable Curve3INT, limits={0,INF,0.01}, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[2][2] CheckBox chk3INT, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" " yPosition += 22 SetVariable Curve3LW, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " SetVariable Curve3LW, limits={0,INF,0.1}, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[3][2] CheckBox chk3LW, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" " yPosition += 22 SetVariable Curve3GW, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " SetVariable Curve3GW, limits={0,INF,0.05}, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[4][2] CheckBox chk3GW, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" " yPosition += 22 SetVariable Curve3LSE, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " SetVariable Curve3LSE, limits={-INF,INF,0.01}, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[5][2] CheckBox chk3LSE, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" " yPosition += 22 SetVariable Curve3LSI, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " SetVariable Curve3LSI, limits={0,1,0.01}, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[6][2] CheckBox chk3LSI, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" " yPosition += 22 SetVariable Curve3LSW, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " SetVariable Curve3LSW, limits={0,INF,0.1}, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[7][2] CheckBox chk3LSW, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" " yPosition += 22 SetVariable Curve3ASY, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " SetVariable Curve3ASY, limits={0,0.5,0.005}, disable=0, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[8][2] CheckBox chk3ASY, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" ", disable=0 // yPosition += 22 // SetVariable Curve3BGD, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " // SetVariable Curve3BGD, limits={0,1,0.001}, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[9][2] // CheckBox chk3BGD, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" " // third column for curve 4 xPosition = 60+92*3 yPosition = 5+28 CheckBox Chk_Curve4, proc=Panel_ChkCurveN, pos={xPosition, yPosition}, title="Curve 4", fColor=(65535,35535,0),value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[0][3] xPosition = 45+92*3 yPosition += 22 SetVariable Curve4BE, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " SetVariable Curve4BE, limits={-INF,INF,0.01}, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[1][3] CheckBox chk4BE, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" " yPosition += 22 SetVariable Curve4INT, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " SetVariable Curve4INT, limits={0,INF,0.01}, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[2][3] CheckBox chk4INT, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" " yPosition += 22 SetVariable Curve4LW, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " SetVariable Curve4LW, limits={0,INF,0.1}, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[3][3] CheckBox chk4LW, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" " yPosition += 22 SetVariable Curve4GW, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " SetVariable Curve4GW, limits={0,INF,0.05}, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[4][3] CheckBox chk4GW, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" " yPosition += 22 SetVariable Curve4LSE, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " SetVariable Curve4LSE, limits={-INF,INF,0.01}, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[5][3] CheckBox chk4LSE, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" " yPosition += 22 SetVariable Curve4LSI, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " SetVariable Curve4LSI, limits={0,1,0.01}, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[6][3] CheckBox chk4LSI, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" " yPosition += 22 SetVariable Curve4LSW, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " SetVariable Curve4LSW, limits={0,INF,0.1}, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[7][3] CheckBox chkLSW, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" " yPosition += 22 SetVariable Curve4ASY, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " SetVariable Curve4ASY, limits={0,0.5,0.005}, disable=0, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[8][3] CheckBox chk4ASY, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" ", disable=0 // yPosition += 22 // SetVariable Curve4BGD, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " // SetVariable Curve4BGD, limits={0,1,0.001}, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[9][3] // CheckBox chk4BGD, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" " // third column for curve 5 xPosition = 60+92*4 yPosition = 5+28 CheckBox Chk_Curve5, proc=Panel_ChkCurveN, pos={xPosition, yPosition}, title="Curve 5", fColor=(0,65535,65535),value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[0][4] xPosition = 45+92*4 yPosition += 22 SetVariable Curve5BE, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " SetVariable Curve5BE, limits={-INF,INF,0.01}, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[1][4] CheckBox chk5BE, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" " yPosition += 22 SetVariable Curve5INT, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " SetVariable Curve5INT, limits={0,INF,0.01}, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[2][4] CheckBox chk5INT, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" " yPosition += 22 SetVariable Curve5LW, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " SetVariable Curve5LW, limits={0,INF,0.1}, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[3][4] CheckBox chk5LW, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" " yPosition += 22 SetVariable Curve5GW, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " SetVariable Curve5GW, limits={0,INF,0.05}, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[4][4] CheckBox chk5GW, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" " yPosition += 22 SetVariable Curve5LSE, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " SetVariable Curve5LSE, limits={-INF,INF,0.01}, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[5][4] CheckBox chk5LSE, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" " yPosition += 22 SetVariable Curve5LSI, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " SetVariable Curve5LSI, limits={0,2,0.01}, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[6][4] CheckBox chk5LSI, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" " yPosition += 22 SetVariable Curve5LSW, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " SetVariable Curve5LSW, limits={0,INF,0.1}, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[7][4] CheckBox chk5LSW, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" " yPosition += 22 SetVariable Curve5ASY, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " SetVariable Curve5ASY, limits={0,0.5,0.005}, disable=0, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[8][4] CheckBox chk5ASY, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" ", disable=0 // yPosition += 22 // SetVariable Curve5BGD, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " // SetVariable Curve5BGD, limits={0,1,0.001}, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[9][4] // CheckBox chk5BGD, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" " // third column for curve 6 xPosition = 60+92*5 yPosition = 5+28 CheckBox Chk_Curve6, proc=Panel_ChkCurveN, pos={xPosition, yPosition}, title="Curve 6", fColor=(65535,0,65535),value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[0][5] xPosition = 45+92*5 yPosition += 22 SetVariable Curve6BE, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " SetVariable Curve6BE, limits={-INF,INF,0.01}, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[1][5] CheckBox chk6BE, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" " yPosition += 22 SetVariable Curve6INT, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " SetVariable Curve6INT, limits={0,INF,0.01}, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[2][5] CheckBox chk6INT, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" " yPosition += 22 SetVariable Curve6LW, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " SetVariable Curve6LW, limits={0,INF,0.1}, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[3][5] CheckBox chk6LW, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" " yPosition += 22 SetVariable Curve6GW, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " SetVariable Curve6GW, limits={0,INF,0.05}, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[4][5] CheckBox chk6GW, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" " yPosition += 22 SetVariable Curve6LSE, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " SetVariable Curve6LSE, limits={-INF,INF,0.01}, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[5][5] CheckBox chk6LSE, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" " yPosition += 22 SetVariable Curve6LSI, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " SetVariable Curve6LSI, limits={0,1,0.01}, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[6][5] CheckBox chk6LSI, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" " yPosition += 22 SetVariable Curve6LSW, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " SetVariable Curve6LSW, limits={0,INF,0.1}, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[7][5] CheckBox chk6LSW, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" " yPosition += 22 SetVariable Curve6ASY, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " SetVariable Curve6ASY, limits={0,0.5,0.005}, disable=0, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[8][5] CheckBox chk6ASY, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" ", disable=0 // yPosition += 22 // SetVariable Curve6BGD, pos={xPosition,yPosition}, proc=Panel_Curve_Change, size={80,20}, title=" " // SetVariable Curve6BGD, limits={0,1,0.001}, value=root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet[9][5] // CheckBox chk6BGD, proc=Panel_ChkPar, pos={xPosition+81, yPosition+1}, value=0, title=" " String ExpSpect = "root:Packages:FitXPS:ExpSpect_FXPS" if(WaveExists($ExpSpect) == 0) // if not exist Make/O/N=(201) $ExpSpect // initial logo wave. Setscale/I x, -305, -295, $ExpSpect $ExpSpect = (1/(PI*0.4/2))*(0.4/2)^2/((x-(-299))^2+(0.4/2)^2) + gnoise(0.01) $ExpSpect += (0.667/(PI*(0.45)/2))*(0.45/2)^2/((x-(-301))^2+((0.45)/2)^2) +gnoise(0.01) AppendToGraph/B/L=left $ExpSpect ModifyGraph margin(left)=50,margin(bottom)=34,margin(top)=14,margin(right)=40 ModifyGraph fSize=10, mode=3, msize=1.0, marker=16, rgb=(0,0,65535) ModifyGraph lblMargin(left)=5, lblPosMode(bottom)=4,lblPos(bottom)=37,tlOffset(bottom)=-1 ModifyGraph nticks(left)=10, btLen=3 ModifyGraph axisEnab(left)={0.45,1}, tickUnit(left)=1 Label left "\\Z11Intensity (arb. units)" Label bottom "\\Z11E - E\\BF\\M (eV)" ShowInfo // append the cursors. else String trFit Variable nList trFit = TraceNameList("FitXPS", ";", 1+4) nList=FindListItem("ExpSpect_FXPS", trFit, ";") if(nList == -1) // if not yet appended AppendToGraph/B/L=left/W=FitXPS $ExpSpect ModifyGraph margin(left)=50,margin(bottom)=34,margin(top)=14,margin(right)=40 ModifyGraph fSize=10, mode=3, msize=1.0, marker=16, rgb=(0,0,65535) ModifyGraph lblMargin(left)=5, lblPosMode(bottom)=4,lblPos(bottom)=37,tlOffset(bottom)=-1 ModifyGraph nticks(left)=10, btLen=3 ModifyGraph axisEnab(left)={0.45,1}, tickUnit(left)=1 Label left "\\Z11Intensity (arb. units)" Label bottom "\\Z11E - E\\BF\\M (eV)" ShowInfo // append the cursors. endif endif String FitSpect = "root:Packages:FitXPS:FittingSpect_FXPS" if(WaveExists($FitSpect) == 0) // if not exist Make/O/N=(201) $FitSpect // initial logo wave. Setscale/I x, -305, -295, $FitSpect $FitSpect = (1/(PI*0.4/2))*(0.4/2)^2/((x-(-299))^2+(0.4/2)^2) + (0.667/(PI*(0.45)/2))*(0.45/2)^2/((x-(-301))^2+((0.45)/2)^2) AppendToGraph/B/L=left/W=FitXPS $FitSpect ModifyGraph axisEnab(left)={0.45,1}, tickUnit(left)=1 ModifyGraph lStyle(FittingSpect_FXPS)=0, rgb(FittingSpect_FXPS)=(0,0,0) endif String DiffSpect = "root:Packages:FitXPS:DiffSpect_FXPS" if(WaveExists($DiffSpect) == 0) // if not exist Make/O/N=(201) $DiffSpect // initial logo wave. Setscale/I x, -305, -295, $DiffSpect $DiffSpect = $ExpSpect - $FitSpect AppendToGraph/B/L=left2/W=FitXPS $DiffSpect ModifyGraph axisEnab(left2)={0,0.44} ModifyGraph lStyle(DiffSpect_FXPS)=1, rgb(DiffSpect_FXPS)=(0,0,0) ModifyGraph lblMargin(left2)=5, nticks(left2)=10, btLen=3 ModifyGraph freePos(left2)=0 ModifyGraph fSize(left2)=10,lblPosMode(left2)=1 ModifyGraph tickUnit(left2)=1 Label left2 "\\Z11Intensity (arb. units)" endif FinalizeFitXPS() EndMacro Function Panel_Filename_Click(ctrlName, popNum, popString) : PopupMenuControl string ctrlName, popString variable popNum SVAR Spectrum = root:Packages:FitXPS:gSpectrum string strOlder = Spectrum Spectrum = popString if(waveexists($popString)==0) // not existed print "No spectrum" return 0 endif Execute "Panel_btnClear_Click(\"btnClear\")" FitSpectrum_CalculateData() End Function Panel_Parameter_Click(ctrlName, popNum, popString) : PopupMenuControl string ctrlName, popString variable popNum SVAR ParSet = root:Packages:FitXPS:gParameterName ParSet=popString if(WaveExists($popString)==0) // not existed return 0 endif Wave wPS = $popString Variable idx String sPS= "root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet" Wave wCV = $sPS String cmd sprintf cmd, "Panel_btnClear_Click(\"btnClear\")" Execute cmd for(idx=0 ; idx 0) ) if(flagAllDaSmall == 1) print "The flagAllDaSmall was set! Already a local minimum." elseif(iterMax <= 0) print "Maximum iterations! Try 'Fit!' again if the fitting gets better." else print "Fitting is completed!" endif SetDataFolder savDF End //======================================== // Levenberg-Marquardt Method Fitting Algorithm //======================================== Function LvMqFit() String sCvsPS = "root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet" Wave wCvsPS = $sCvsPS String sExp = "root:Packages:FitXPS:ExpSpect_FXPS" String sFit = "root:Packages:FitXPS:FittingSpect_FXPS" String sBG = "root:Packages:FitXPS:Background_FXPS" String sDif = "root:Packages:FitXPS:DiffSpect_FXPS" Wave ExpCv = $sExp Wave Fit = $sFit Wave BG = $sBG Wave Dif = $sDif String sFPI="root:Packages:FitXPS:gFitParIndex" Wave wFPIndex = $sFPI NVAR NFP=root:Packages:FitXPS:gNFP NVAR lambda=root:Packages:FitXPS:gLambda NVAR startPnt = root:Packages:FitXPS:gStartPnt NVAR endPnt = root:Packages:FitXPS:gEndPnt NVAR flagAllDaSmall = root:Packages:FitXPS:gAllDaSmall NVAR chisq0=root:Packages:FitXPS:gChisq0 String sVarData="root:Packages:FitXPS:VarData_FXPS" Wave varData=$sVarData Variable FPIndex, idx, idx1, i_k, i_l, chisq1, chi_ratio, d_chi Make/O/N=(NFP) a_k, da_k, b_k Make/O/N=(NFP,NFP) alp_kl Make/O/N=(dimsize(Fit,0),NFP) dyda Duplicate/O Fit prevFit Duplicate/O wCvsPS prevPS FPIndex = dimsize(wFPIndex,0) // calcuate a_k, da_k for(idx1=0, idx=0; idx 1.0e-4) flagAllDaSmall = 0 endif if(abs(a_k[i_k]) > 10) a_k[i_k] = 0 // print "Too large a_k[",i_k,"]! Reset a_k[",i_k,"]=0" endif i_m = idx-12*trunc(idx/12) i_n = trunc(idx/12) wCvsPS[i_m][i_n] += a_k[i_k] // change parameter value to the LvMq result. // check abnormal directions. if(i_m==3 && wCvsPS[i_m][i_n]<0.05) // Lorentzian width wCvsPS[i_m][i_n] = 0.1 print "LW reset!" elseif(i_m==4 && wCvsPS[i_m][i_n]<0.05 ) // Gaussian width wCvsPS[i_m][i_n] = 0.1 print "GW reset!" elseif(wCvsPS[i_m][i_n]<0 && i_m!=1 && i_m!=5 ) // not B.E. nor LSE wCvsPS[i_m][i_n] = 0.0 print "CurvesParSet[", i_m,"][",i_n,"] reset to 0.0" endif i_k += 1 endif endfor for(idx=0;idx<6;idx+=1) if(wCvsPS[0][idx]==1) Curves_CalculateData(idx+1) endif endfor Background_CalculateData() FittingCurve_CalculateData() DiffCurve_CalculateData() chisq1 = Chisq(ExpCv, Fit) chi_ratio = chisq1/chisq0 d_chi = abs(chisq1-chisq0) // if chi^2 (a+da) >= chi^2(a), increse lambda by 5~10 times, then goto matrix eq. // else, decrease lambda by 5~10 times, set d+da to new a, then goto matrix eq. // if 0.99 < chi^2(a+da)/chi^2(a) <= 1, then stop. if(chisq1 < chisq0 ) chisq0 = chisq1 lambda *= 0.1 break else if(lambda > 1.0e8) print "Too large lambda!" return -1 break endif for(idx=0, i_k=0 ; idx < FPIndex; idx += 1) if(wFPIndex[idx]==1 && wCvsPS[0][trunc(idx/12)]==1) wCvsPS[idx-12*trunc(idx/12)][trunc(idx/12)] -= a_k[i_k] // get back the previous value. i_k += 1 endif endfor if(flagAllDaSmall==1) return -1 break endif lambda *= 10.0 endif endfor //==== loop end ===== killwaves/Z a_k, b_k, da_k, dyda, alp_kl, wMx, M_inverse, prevFit End //====================================== // Initialization funtion for LvMq loop Function Init_LvMq() //====================================== SetDataFolder root:Packages:FitXPS String sCvsPS = "root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet" Wave wCvsPS = $sCvsPS String sFPI="root:Packages:FitXPS:gFitParIndex" Wave wFPIndex = $sFPI SVAR csrA = root:Packages:FitXPS:gCsrA SVAR csrB = root:Packages:FitXPS:gCsrB NVAR csrFlag = root:Packages:FitXPS:gUseCsrs NVAR startPnt = root:Packages:FitXPS:gStartPnt NVAR endPnt = root:Packages:FitXPS:gEndPnt Variable cAp, cBp csrA = CsrInfo(A) csrB = CsrInfo(B) cAp = NumberbyKey("POINT",csrA) cBp = NumberbyKey("POINT",csrB) if(csrFlag==1 && cAp != NaN && cBp != NaN) startPnt = min(cAp, cBp) endPnt = max(cAp, cBp) else startPnt=0 endPnt=dimsize(Fit,0) endif Variable idx, idx1, NFP=0 for(idx=0,idx1=0; idx<6; idx +=1) if(wCvsPS[0][idx]==1) // checkbox CvPS[0][0~5] for curve 1~6, Curves_CalculateData(idx+1) idx1+=1 endif endfor Background_CalculateData() FittingCurve_CalculateData() DiffCurve_CalculateData() for(idx=0; idx < dimsize(wFPIndex,0); idx += 1) if(wFPIndex[idx]==1 && wCvsPS[0][trunc(idx/12)]==1) NFP += 1 // No. of fitting parameters endif endfor if (NFP > 10) print "Too many fitting parameters! Choose less than 10." return 0 endif if(idx1==0) print "Turn on at least one of curves 1 ~ 6!" return 0 elseif(idx1>0) print "Init_LvMq." return NFP endif End Function Panel_btnSave_Click(ctrlName) : ButtonControl String ctrlName String CvsPS = "root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet" Wave Cvs = $CvsPS String sExp = "root:Packages:FitXPS:ExpSpect_FXPS" String sFit = "root:Packages:FitXPS:FittingSpect_FXPS" String sBG = "root:Packages:FitXPS:Background_FXPS" String sDif = "root:Packages:FitXPS:DiffSpect_FXPS" String sCvs, InpCv String noteCv SVAR CurExpFileName = root:Packages:FitXPS:gSpectrum NVAR BGtype=root:Packages:FitXPS:gBGType SVAR chisq=root:Packages:FitXPS:gChisquare String sParName=CurExpFileName Prompt sParName, "Enter fitting result name: " DoPrompt "Save Fitting Result As ", sParName if(V_Flag) return 0 endif String sPS = "root:"+sParName+"_FXPar" Variable dimY=Cvs[0][0]+Cvs[0][1]+Cvs[0][2]+Cvs[0][3]+Cvs[0][4]+Cvs[0][5] Make/O/N=(Dimsize(Cvs,0),dimY) $sPS Wave ParSet = $sPS // checked flag for Curve #N Variable idxc=0, idx=0 for(idxc=0, idx=0; idxc<6; idxc+=1) if(Cvs[0][idxc]==1) ParSet[][idx]=Cvs[p][idxc] idx += 1 sprintf InpCv, "root:%s_FXPCv%d", sParName, idx sprintf sCvs, "root:Packages:FitXPS:Curve%d_FXPS", idx sprintf noteCv, "B. E.=%.3f, Intensity=%.3f, LorW=%.3f, GauW=%.3f, LSE=%.3f, LSI=%.4f,LSW=%.3f, BG=%.6f", Cvs[1][idxc], Cvs[2][idxc],Cvs[3][idxc],Cvs[4][idxc],Cvs[5][idxc],Cvs[6][idxc],Cvs[7][idxc],Cvs[9][idxc] duplicate/O $sCvs $InpCv Note $InpCv noteCv endif endfor InpCv = "root:"+sParName+"_FXPExp" duplicate/O $sExp $InpCv InpCv = "root:"+sParName+"_FXPFit" duplicate/O $sFit $InpCv sprintf noteCv, "Chi^2 = %s", chisq Note $InpCv noteCv InpCv = "root:"+sParName+"_FXPBgr" duplicate/O $sBG $InpCv if(BGtype==0) sprintf noteCv, "Shirley type background" elseif(BGtype==1) sprintf noteCv, "Tougaard type background" else sprintf noteCv, "Do not believe this background" endif Note $InpCv noteCv InpCv = "root:"+sParName+"_FXPDif" duplicate/O $sDif $InpCv SVAR para=root:Packages:FitXPS:gParameterName if( !SVAR_Exists(para)) String/G root:Packages:FitXPS:gParameterName=" " endif para = sParName+"_FXPar" PopupMenu Read_Parameters, mode=1, popvalue=para End Function Panel_btnUndo_Click(ctrlName) : ButtonControl String ctrlName String sCvPS = "root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet" String prevPS = "root:Packages:FitXPS:PrevPS" if(waveexists($prevPS)) Duplicate/O $prevPS $sCvPS Execute "Panel_btnView_Click(\"btnView\")" endif End Function Panel_btnClear_Click(ctrlName) : ButtonControl String ctrlName String sCvPS = "root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet" String prevPS = "root:Packages:FitXPS:PrevPS" Duplicate/O $sCvPS $prevPS Wave wCv = $sCvPS Variable idx for(idx=0;idx<6;idx+=1) wCv[1][idx]=0 wCv[2][idx]=0 wCv[3][idx]=1.0 wCv[4][idx]=0.7 wCv[5][idx]=0 wCv[6][idx]=0 wCv[7][idx]=0 wCv[8][idx]=0 endfor String ExpSpectrum="root:Packages:FitXPS:ExpSpect_FXPS" Wave ExpSpect=$ExpSpectrum GuessBG(ExpSpect) for(idx=0;idx<6;idx+=1) if(wCv[0][idx]==1) Curves_CalculateData(idx+1) endif endfor Background_CalculateData() FittingCurve_CalculateData() String trFit Variable nList trFit = TraceNameList("FitXPS", ";", 1+4) nList=FindListItem("ExpSpect_FXPS", trFit, ";") if(nList == -1) // if not yet appended AppendToGraph/B/L=left/W=FitXPS ExpSpect ModifyGraph margin(left)=50,margin(bottom)=34,margin(top)=14,margin(right)=40 ModifyGraph fSize=10, mode=3, msize=1.0, marker=16, rgb=(0,0,65535) ModifyGraph lblMargin(left)=5, lblPosMode(bottom)=4,lblPos(bottom)=37,tlOffset(bottom)=-1 ModifyGraph nticks(left)=10, btLen=3 ModifyGraph axisEnab(left)={0.45,1}, tickUnit(left)=1 Label left "\\Z11Intensity (arb. units)" Label bottom "\\Z11E - E\\BF\\M (eV)" ShowInfo // append the cursors. endif nList=FindListItem("Background_FXPS", trFit, ";") if(nList != -1) // if appended RemoveFromGraph/Z/W=FitXPS Background_FXPS endif nList=FindListItem("FittingSpect_FXPS", trFit, ";") if(nList != -1) // if appended RemoveFromGraph/Z/W=FitXPS FittingSpect_FXPS endif nList=FindListItem("DiffSpect_FXPS", trFit, ";") if(nList != -1) // if appended RemoveFromGraph/Z/W=FitXPS DiffSpect_FXPS endif String cmd for(idx=1; idx < 7; idx += 1) sprintf cmd, "CheckBox Chk_Curve%d, value=0", idx Execute cmd sprintf cmd, "Panel_ChkCurveN(\"Chk_Curve%d\", 0)", idx Execute cmd endfor End // generalized version Function Panel_ChkCurveN(ctrlName, checked) : CheckBoxControl String ctrlName Variable checked // 1 if selected, 0 if not Variable CvN strswitch(ctrlName) case "Chk_Curve1": CvN=1 break case "Chk_Curve2": CvN=2 break case "Chk_Curve3": CvN=3 break case "Chk_Curve4": CvN=4 break case "Chk_Curve5": CvN=5 break case "Chk_Curve6": CvN=6 break default: endswitch String FitSpectrum="root:Packages:FitXPS:ExpSpect_FXPS" String Curve sprintf Curve, "root:Packages:FitXPS:Curve%d_FXPS", CvN String CvsPS = "root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet" Wave CvsParSet = $CvsPS CvsParSet[0][CvN-1] = checked String trFit, Cv_FXPS Variable nList sprintf Cv_FXPS, "Curve%d_FXPS", CvN trFit = TraceNameList("FitXPS", ";", 1+4) nList=FindListItem(Cv_FXPS, trFit, ";") if(checked) Curves_CalculateData(CvN) if(nList==-1) // if not yet appended AppendToGraph/B/L=left2/W=FitXPS $Curve ModifyGraph lblMargin(left2)=5, nticks(left2)=10 ModifyGraph freePos(left2)=0, axisEnab(left2)={0,0.44} ModifyGraph fSize(left2)=10,lblPosMode(left2)=1 ModifyGraph nticks(left2)=10, btLen=3 ModifyGraph tickUnit(left2)=1 Label left2 "\\Z11Intensity (arb. units)" if(CvN==1) ModifyGraph lStyle(Curve1_FXPS)=0, rgb(Curve1_FXPS)=(65535,0,0) // red elseif(CvN==2) ModifyGraph lStyle(Curve2_FXPS)=0, rgb(Curve2_FXPS)=(0,65535,0) // green elseif(CvN==3) ModifyGraph lStyle(Curve3_FXPS)=0, rgb(Curve3_FXPS)=(0,0,65535) // blue elseif(CvN==4) ModifyGraph lStyle(Curve4_FXPS)=0, rgb(Curve4_FXPS)=(65535,35535,0) elseif(CvN==5) ModifyGraph lStyle(Curve5_FXPS)=0, rgb(Curve5_FXPS)=(0,65535,65535) elseif(CvN==6) ModifyGraph lStyle(Curve6_FXPS)=0, rgb(Curve6_FXPS)=(65535,0,65535) else print "Check Panel_ChkCurveN" endif endif else if(nList!=-1) // appended if(CvN==1) RemoveFromGraph/Z/W=FitXPS Curve1_FXPS elseif(CvN==2) RemoveFromGraph/Z/W=FitXPS Curve2_FXPS elseif(CvN==3) RemoveFromGraph/Z/W=FitXPS Curve3_FXPS elseif(CvN==4) RemoveFromGraph/Z/W=FitXPS Curve4_FXPS elseif(CvN==5) RemoveFromGraph/Z/W=FitXPS Curve5_FXPS elseif(CvN==6) RemoveFromGraph/Z/W=FitXPS Curve6_FXPS else print "Check Panel_ChkCurveN" endif endif endif End Function Panel_radioBG_Click(ctrlName, checked) : CheckBoxControl String ctrlName Variable checked // 1 if selected, 0 if not NVAR BGtype=root:Packages:FitXPS:gBGType strswitch (ctrlName) case "chkBGShirley": BGtype = 0 CheckBox chkBGShirley, value = 1 CheckBox chkBGTougaard, value = 0 break case "chkBGTougaard": BGtype = 1 CheckBox chkBGShirley, value = 0 CheckBox chkBGTougaard, value = 1 break endswitch End Function Panel_chkCsr_Click(ctrlName, checked): CheckBoxControl String ctrlName Variable checked // 1 if checked, 0 if not String ExpSpect="root:Packages:FitXPS:ExpSpect_FXPS" SVAR csrA = root:Packages:FitXPS:gCsrA SVAR csrB = root:Packages:FitXPS:gCsrB NVAR csrFlag = root:Packages:FitXPS:gUseCsrs Variable x_left, x_right if(WaveExists($ExpSpect)==0) return 0 endif x_left = pnt2x($ExpSpect, 0) x_right = pnt2x($ExpSpect, Dimsize($ExpSpect,0)) if(checked==1) csrFlag = 1 Cursor A ExpSpect_FXPS x_left + (x_right-x_left)*0.1 Cursor B ExpSpect_FXPS x_left + (x_right-x_left)*0.9 else csrFlag = 0 Cursor/K A Cursor/K B endif End Function SetFPchk(idx) Variable idx String cmd1, cmd2, cmd3 Variable idx2 idx2=idx-12*trunc(idx/12) if(idx2==0) // return 0 elseif(idx2==1) // sprintf cmd2, "BE, value=1" elseif(idx2==2) // sprintf cmd2, "INT, value=1" elseif(idx2==3) // sprintf cmd2, "LW, value=1" elseif(idx2==4) // sprintf cmd2, "GW, value=1" elseif(idx2==5) // sprintf cmd2, "LSE, value=1" elseif(idx2==6) // sprintf cmd2, "LSI, value=1" elseif(idx2==7) // sprintf cmd2, "LSW, value=1" elseif(idx2==8) // sprintf cmd2, "ASY, value=1" elseif(idx2==9) // if(trunc(idx/12)==0) sprintf cmd2, "BGD, value=1" else return 0 endif elseif(idx2==10) // if(trunc(idx/12)==0) sprintf cmd2, "BL, value=1" else return 0 endif else // something wrong print "check fitting parameter routine!" return 0 endif if(trunc(idx/12)==0) // curve1 sprintf cmd1, "CheckBox chk1" elseif(trunc(idx/12)==1) // curve2 sprintf cmd1, "CheckBox chk2" elseif(trunc(idx/12)==2) // curve3 sprintf cmd1, "CheckBox chk3" elseif(trunc(idx/12)==3) // curve4 sprintf cmd1, "CheckBox chk4" elseif(trunc(idx/12)==4) // curve5 sprintf cmd1, "CheckBox chk5" elseif(trunc(idx/12)==5) // curve6 sprintf cmd1, "CheckBox chk6" else // something wrong print "check fitting parameter routine!" return 0 endif cmd3 = cmd1+cmd2 Execute cmd3 End Function Panel_ChkPar(ctrlName, checked) : CheckBoxControl String ctrlName Variable checked // 1 if selected, 0 if not String sFPI = "root:Packages:FitXPS:gFitParIndex" Wave FPI = $sFPI strswitch(ctrlName) // for curve 1 case "chk1BE": FPI[1]=checked break case "chk1INT": FPI[2]=checked break case "chk1LW": FPI[3]=checked break case "chk1GW": FPI[4]=checked break case "chk1LSE": FPI[5]=checked break case "chk1LSI": FPI[6]=checked break case "chk1LSW": FPI[7]=checked break case "chk1ASY": FPI[8]=checked break case "chk1BGD": FPI[9]=checked break case "chk1BL": FPI[10]=checked break // for curve 2 case "chk2BE": FPI[12*1+1]=checked break case "chk2INT": FPI[12*1+2]=checked break case "chk2LW": FPI[12*1+3]=checked break case "chk2GW": FPI[12*1+4]=checked break case "chk2LSE": FPI[12*1+5]=checked break case "chk2LSI": FPI[12*1+6]=checked break case "chk2LSW": FPI[12*1+7]=checked break case "chk2ASY": FPI[12*1+8]=checked break // case "chk2BGD": // FPI[12*1+9]=checked // break // for curve 3 case "chk3BE": FPI[12*2+1]=checked break case "chk3INT": FPI[12*2+2]=checked break case "chk3LW": FPI[12*2+3]=checked break case "chk3GW": FPI[12*2+4]=checked break case "chk3LSE": FPI[12*2+5]=checked break case "chk3LSI": FPI[12*2+6]=checked break case "chk3LSW": FPI[12*2+7]=checked break case "chk3ASY": FPI[12*2+8]=checked break // case "chk3BGD": // FPI[12*2+9]=checked // break // for curve 4 case "chk4BE": FPI[12*3+1]=checked break case "chk4INT": FPI[12*3+2]=checked break case "chk4LW": FPI[12*3+3]=checked break case "chk4GW": FPI[12*3+4]=checked break case "chk4LSE": FPI[12*3+5]=checked break case "chk4LSI": FPI[12*3+6]=checked break case "chk4LSW": FPI[12*3+7]=checked break case "chk4ASY": FPI[12*3+8]=checked break // case "chk4BGD": // FPI[12*3+9]=checked // break // for curve 5 case "chk5BE": FPI[12*4+1]=checked break case "chk5INT": FPI[12*4+2]=checked break case "chk5LW": FPI[12*4+3]=checked break case "chk5GW": FPI[12*4+4]=checked break case "chk5LSE": FPI[12*4+5]=checked break case "chk5LSI": FPI[12*4+6]=checked break case "chk5LSW": FPI[12*4+7]=checked break case "chk5ASY": FPI[12*4+8]=checked break // case "chk5BGD": // FPI[12*4+9]=checked // break // for curve 6 case "chk6BE": FPI[12*5+1]=checked break case "chk6INT": FPI[12*5+2]=checked break case "chk6LW": FPI[12*5+3]=checked break case "chk6GW": FPI[12*5+4]=checked break case "chk6LSE": FPI[12*5+5]=checked break case "chk6LSI": FPI[12*5+6]=checked break case "chk6LSW": FPI[12*5+7]=checked break case "chk6ASY": FPI[12*5+8]=checked break // case "chk6BGD": // FPI[12*5+9]=checked // break default: print "Something works abnormally in free fitting parameter check buttons." break endswitch End Function Panel_Curve_Change(ctrlName,varNum,varStr,varName) : SetVariableControl String ctrlName Variable varNum // value of variable as number String varStr, varName // name of variable // you can do something for every curve parameter as follows. // if(cmpstr(ctrlName, "Curve1BE")==0) // Print "curve 1 BE\n" // elseif(cmpstr(ctrlName, "Curve1INT")==0) // Print "intensity\n" // elseif(cmpstr(ctrlName, "Curve1LW")==0) // Print "LW\n" // elseif(cmpstr(ctrlName, "Curve1GW")==0) // Print "GW\n" // elseif(cmpstr(ctrlName, "Curve1LSE")==0) // Print "LSE\n" // elseif(cmpstr(ctrlName, "Curve1LSI")==0) // Print "LSI\n" // elseif(cmpstr(ctrlName, "Curve1LSW")==0) // Print "LSW\n" // elseif(cmpstr(ctrlName, "Curve1ASY")==0) // Print "ASY\n" // elseif(cmpstr(ctrlName, "Curve1BGD")==0) // Print "BGD\n" // elseif(cmpstr(ctrlName, "Curve2BE")==0) // Print "curve 1 BE\n" // elseif(cmpstr(ctrlName, "Curve2INT")==0) // Print "intensity\n" // elseif(cmpstr(ctrlName, "Curve2LW")==0) // Print "LW\n" // elseif(cmpstr(ctrlName, "Curve2GW")==0) // Print "GW\n" // elseif(cmpstr(ctrlName, "Curve2LSE")==0) // Print "LSE\n" // elseif(cmpstr(ctrlName, "Curve2LSI")==0) // Print "LSI\n" // elseif(cmpstr(ctrlName, "Curve2LSW")==0) // Print "LSW\n" // elseif(cmpstr(ctrlName, "Curve2ASY")==0) // Print "ASY\n" // elseif(cmpstr(ctrlName, "Curve2BGD")==0) // Print "BGD\n" // endif End Function FitSpectrum_CalculateData() SVAR sourcename = root:Packages:FitXPS:gSpectrum String ExpSpectrum="root:Packages:FitXPS:ExpSpect_FXPS" String Cv="root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParset" Wave CvPS=$Cv SVAR csrA = root:Packages:FitXPS:gCsrA SVAR csrB = root:Packages:FitXPS:gCsrB NVAR csrFlag = root:Packages:FitXPS:gUseCsrs NVAR startPnt = root:Packages:FitXPS:gStartPnt NVAR endPnt = root:Packages:FitXPS:gEndPnt Variable cAp, cBp, Ndata NVAR Spect_max = root:Packages:FitXPS:gDataMax if(!NVAR_Exists(Spect_max)) // if not exist Variable/G root:Packages:FitXPS:gDataMax=1 endif if(Exists(sourcename)==1) // exp spectrum is selected. wave sourcewave = $sourcename Duplicate/O sourcewave tmpSpectrum // normalization Spect_max = WaveMax(tmpSpectrum) Ndata = dimsize(tmpspectrum,0) tmpSpectrum /= Spect_max // height normalization GuessBG(tmpSpectrum) Duplicate/O tmpSpectrum $ExpSpectrum Killwaves/z tmpSpectrum CvPS[11][0]=Spect_Max // keep max value of data. csrA = CsrInfo(A) csrB = CsrInfo(B) cAp = NumberbyKey("POINT",csrA) cBp = NumberbyKey("POINT",csrB) if(csrFlag==1 && cAp != NaN && cBp != NaN) startPnt = min(cAp, cBp) endPnt = max(cAp, cBp) else startPnt=0 endPnt=Ndata endif endif End Function Curves_CalculateData(cvN) Variable cvN String FitSpectrum="root:Packages:FitXPS:ExpSpect_FXPS" if(WaveExists($FitSpectrum)==0) return 0 endif Wave SpecWave = $FitSpectrum String Curve, Cv sprintf Curve, "root:Packages:FitXPS:Curve%d_FXPS", CvN if(WaveExists($Curve)==0) Make/N=(1) $Curve endif Cv="root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParset" Wave CvParSet = $Cv Variable BE = CvParSet[1][CvN-1] Variable INT = CvParSet[2][CvN-1] Variable LW =CvParSet[3][CvN-1] Variable GW =CvParSet[4][CvN-1] Variable LSE =CvParSet[5][CvN-1] Variable LSI =CvParSet[6][CvN-1] Variable LSW = CvParSet[7][CvN-1] Variable ASY = CvParSet[8][CvN-1] // Variable BGD = CvParSet[9][CvN-1] Variable SpectArea duplicate/O SpecWave tmpLorSpect Note/K tmpLorSpect duplicate/O tmpLorSpect tmpGaussSpect duplicate/O tmpLorSpect tmpVoightSpect if(LW < deltax(SpecWave)/5) LW = deltax(SpecWave)/5 print "Too small LW! Setting LW=deltax/5." endif if(ASY==0) tmpLorSpect = (1.0/(PI*LW/2))*(LW/2)^2/((x-BE)^2+(LW/2)^2) tmpLorSpect += (1.0*LSI/(PI*(LW+LSW)/2))*(LW/2+LSW/2)^2/((x-BE-LSE)^2+((LW+LSW)/2)^2) SpectArea = Area(tmpLorSpect) tmpLorSpect *= INT*(1+LSI)/SpectArea elseif(ASY > 0 && ASY < 1) tmpLorSpect[] = (1.0*Gamma(1-ASY)/PI) * cos(PI*ASY/2 + (1-ASY)*atan((x-BE)/(LW/2)) ) / ((x-BE)^2+(LW/2)^2)^((1-ASY)/2) tmpLorSpect[] += (1.0*LSI*Gamma(1-ASY)/PI) * cos(PI*ASY/2 + (1-ASY)*atan((x-BE-LSE)/((LW+LSW)/2)) ) / ((x-BE-LSE)^2+((LW+LSW)/2)^2)^((1-ASY)/2) SpectArea = Area(tmpLorSpect) tmpLorSpect *= INT*(1+LSI)/SpectArea else print "check ASY parameter!" endif tmpGaussSpect = Gauss(x, (rightx(tmpLorSpect)+leftx(tmpLorSpect))/2, GW/(2*sqrt(2))) SpectArea = Area(tmpGaussSpect) if(SpectArea != NaN) tmpGaussSpect /= SpectArea MakeConvolution(tmpGaussSpect, tmpVoightSpect, tmpLorSpect, DimSize(tmpGaussSpect, 0)) duplicate/O tmpVoightSpect $Curve else duplicate/O tmpLorSpect $Curve endif killwaves/z tmpLorSpect, tmpGaussSpect, tmpVoightSpect End Function GuessBG(wtmpBG) Wave wtmpBG String CvsPS = "root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet" Wave CvsParSet = $CvsPS Variable b1, b2, SpectArea, idx, Ndata Ndata = Dimsize(wtmpBG, 0) if(Ndata < 11) print "Too few data point!" return 0; endif b1=0 b2=0 SpectArea=0 for(idx=0; idx < 5; idx += 1) b1 += wtmpBG[idx] endfor for( ; idx < Ndata-5; idx+=1) SpectArea += wtmpBG[idx] endfor for( ; idx < Ndata; idx+=1) b2 += wtmpBG[idx] endfor b1 /= 5.0 b2 /= 5.0 // for base line. CvsParSet[9][0]= 100.0*(b1-b2)/(SpectArea-(b1+b2)/2 * (Ndata-10)) CvsParSet[10][0]=b2 End Function Background_CalculateData() NVAR BGtype = root:Packages:FitXPS:gBGType if(!NVAR_exists(BGtype)) Variable/G root:Packages:FitXPS:gBGType=0 endif String ExpSpectrum="root:Packages:FitXPS:ExpSpect_FXPS" if(WaveExists($ExpSpectrum)==0) return 0 endif Wave SpecWave = $ExpSpectrum Duplicate/O SpecWave tmpBGrd Note/K tmpBGrd String BGrd="root:Packages:FitXPS:Background_FXPS" if(WaveExists($BGrd)==0) Make/N=(1) $BGrd endif Wave wBGrd=$BGrd duplicate/O tmpBGrd $BGrd // just to obtain the same dimension to ExpSpectrum. String CvsPS = "root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet" if(WaveExists($CvsPS)==0) return 0 endif Wave CvsParSet = $CvsPS wBGrd = CvsParSet[10][0] // from BaseLine Variable idx for(idx=0;idx<6;idx+=1) if(CvsParSet[0][idx]==1) String Cv sprintf Cv, "root:Packages:FitXPS:Curve%d_FXPS", idx+1 if(WaveExists($Cv)!=0) // if curve N exists if(BGtype==0) Wave wCv = $Cv ShirleyBG(tmpBGrd, wCv, CvsParSet[9][0]) // CvsParSet[9][0] Background factor wBGrd += tmpBGrd elseif(BGtype==1) Wave wCv = $Cv TougaardBG(tmpBGrd, wCv, CvsParSet[9][0]) wBGrd += tmpBGrd else print "check gBGType variable!" endif endif endif endfor killwaves/z tmpBGrd End //================================= // put Shirley type background in wBG. //================================== Function ShirleyBG(wBG, wSRC, IRatio) Wave wBG, wSRC Variable IRatio Variable idxB, scaleIR Variable IntensityBG=0 scaleIR = IRatio/100.0 for(idxB=DimSize(wSRC,0)-1; idxB>=0; idxB-=1) IntensityBG += wSRC[idxB]*scaleIR wBG[idxB]=IntensityBG endfor End //================================= // put Tougaard type background in wBG. // Tougaard parameter B=2866.0, C=1643.0 //================================== Function TougaardBG(wBG, wSRC, IRatio) Wave wBG, wSRC Variable IRatio Variable idxB, idxS, TG_B=2866.0, TG_C=1643.0, Ndata, x_E, dE Variable IntensityBG=0 Duplicate/O wSRC lossFtn TG_B *= IRatio Ndata = Dimsize(wSRC,0) dE = deltax(wSRC) for(idxB=0; idxB= 0 & i+k < N ) con += src[i+k]*resp[k+trunc(N/2)] endif endfor return con End Function MakeConvolution(resp, target, src, N) Wave resp, target, src Variable N Variable i, delta for(i=0; i < N; i+=1) target[i] = GetOnePointConvol(resp, src, i, N) endfor delta = deltax(target) if (delta < 0) delta = -delta endif target *= delta End // calculate chi^2 of w1 and w2 Function Chisq(w1, w2) Wave w1, w2 Variable Ndata Ndata=dimsize(w1,0) if(Ndata !=dimsize(w2,0) ) print "check Chisq function!" return -1 endif SVAR csrA = root:Packages:FitXPS:gCsrA SVAR csrB = root:Packages:FitXPS:gCsrB NVAR csrFlag = root:Packages:FitXPS:gUseCsrs NVAR startPnt = root:Packages:FitXPS:gStartPnt NVAR endPnt = root:Packages:FitXPS:gEndPnt Variable cAp, cBp csrA = CsrInfo(A) csrB = CsrInfo(B) cAp = NumberbyKey("POINT",csrA) cBp = NumberbyKey("POINT",csrB) if(csrFlag==1 && cAp != NaN && cBp != NaN) startPnt = min(cAp, cBp) endPnt = max(cAp, cBp) else startPnt=0 endPnt=Ndata endif Variable idx, chi2, idx_n make_varData() String sVarData="root:Packages:FitXPS:VarData_FXPS" If(WaveExists($sVarData)==0) // if not exist print "Variance data does not exist!" // Duplicate/O w1 $sVarData endif Wave varData = $sVarData for(idx=startPnt, chi2=0; idx < endPnt; idx += 1) chi2 += (w1[idx]-w2[idx])^2/varData[idx] endfor String sCvsPS="root:Packages:FitXPS:gCvsParSet" Wave cPS = $sCvsPS NVAR dMax = root:Packages:FitXPS:gDataMax if(!NVAR_Exists(dMax)) // if not exist return chi2 else return chi2*dMax // conver to the origianl exp value. endif End //=================== // ad-hoc method to make variance of x_i from y_i. //=================== Function make_varData() String FitSpectrum="root:Packages:FitXPS:ExpSpect_FXPS" if(WaveExists($FitSpectrum)==0) print "Fitting curve does not exist!" return 0 endif Wave ExpSpect = $FitSpectrum String sVarData="root:Packages:FitXPS:VarData_FXPS" if(WaveExists($sVarData)==0) Make/N=(1) $sVarData endif Wave varData = $sVarData Duplicate/O ExpSpect varData avData Variable idx, idx_n, Ndata Ndata=dimsize(varData,0) for(idx_n=0; idx_n<2; idx_n+=1) for(idx=0; idx