Project Releases

Release File: (466.89 KB)
Version: 1.20
Version Date:
Version Major: 1
Version Patch Level: 20
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:


date and time are saved in parentheses (...) with dash rather than as return to improve consistency with how the Log Book package captures the notes to a notebook

the window note window updates automatically when you change the frontmost window

you can now type a return with a shift key to automatically put the entered note on the window

Release File: (466.19 KB)
Version: 1.10
Version Date:
Version Major: 1
Version Patch Level: 10
OS Compatibility: Windows Mac-Intel
Release Notes:

# New Features

- can be directly modified to recognize other userData notes (e.g. SnapIt)

# Improvements

- goes to top of notes windows
- help visible on control panel controls




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