Generating a uniform random distribution of points in a circle

//// @param num number of points to be generated Function UniformCircle(num) Variable num Make/O/N=(num) xw,yw Variable tt,uu,rr Variable i for(i = 0; i < num; i += 1) tt = 2 * pi * (0.5 + enoise(0.5)) uu = (0.5 + enoise(0.5)) + (0.5 + enoise(0.5)) if(uu > 1) rr = 2 - uu else rr = uu endif xw[i] = rr * cos(tt) yw[i] = rr * sin(tt) endfor DoWindow/K resultPlot Display/N=resultPlot yw vs xw ModifyGraph/W=resultPlot mode=3,marker=8 ModifyGraph/W=resultPlot width={Plan,1,bottom,left} End



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May 31, 2016 at 03:34 am - Permalink
Run the this code with e.g., 1e6 samples and execute the following commands:
Now compare the avg, sdev, rms, adev and skew between the two...
The OP did not state explicitly what is meant by "uniform". My own guess would be: density that is independent of location inside the circle. One can verify angular uniformity using StatsCircularMoments with the /KUPR, but clearly if the radial distribution was also strictly uniform then the density of points per unit area would be higher closer to the origin. A joint histogram for xw and yw can help display the results:
JointHistogram xw,yw NewImage M_JointHistogram
May 31, 2016 at 08:27 am - Permalink