Mr. Hister takes a list of waves and plots them all evenly spaced with the same size and scaling. Good for comparing histograms.

The layout and dimensions of the matrix of plots are determined by the parameters maxDownOrAcross and GoAcross. If GoAcross is 1, there are maxDownOrAcross plots in each row, and the rows are filled first, from left to right. If goAcross is 0, there are maxDownOrAcross plots in each column, and the columns are filled first, from top to bottom. In either case, the size of the dimension not specified by maxDownOrAcross is set by dividing the total number of waves by maxDownOrAcross.
Mr. Hister takes several optional parameters that control layout. The optional titleList is a semicolon-seprated list of strings to be used as tags to add a label to each plot. They must be in the same order as theHistList. If not specified, each plot is labeled with the name of the wave. To have no labels at all, specify titleList = ""
The font and font size for the titles can be set with optional parameters font and fontSize. The defaults is Arial size 10, but this can easily be changed in the first few lines of code.
The spacing between plots is adjustable with the optional parameter spacerPercent. Spacing is measured as a percentage of total horizontal and vertical size. One or two is usually about right.
The axis offset for all axes can be set as a percentage of axis range (the same percentage is used for both horizontal and vertical axes) with the optional parameter axesOffset. This is provided as Mr. Hister creates a free axis for each row and column, and axis standoff does not apply to free axes. The default value is 0 for no offset. For a noticeable offset, try two to five depending on how large a graph size you want to optimize presentation for.
The optional parameter frame underlines each plot (if 1) or draws a box around each plot (if 2). A value of 0 leaves the plots unadorned, and this is the default.
#pragma rtGlobals=1 // Use modern global access method. #pragma IgorVersion=5 #pragma version = 1 // Last Modified: Jun 13 2008 by Jamie Boyd Function MrHister (theHistList, maxDownOrAcross, GoAcross, [graphTitleStr, titleList, font, fontSize, spacerPercent, axesOffset, frame]) string theHistList // list of waves to be plotted variable maxDownOrAcross // number of histograms to appear in whichever of columns or rows is filled first. //Size of other dimension is determined by total number of graphs variable GoAcross // is 1 if rows are filled first instead of columns string graphTitleStr // desired title for the graph string titleList // optional list of titles for each histogram, if not given, name of each wave is used for title string font // font for the titles, default is Arial variable fontSize // font size for the titles, default is 10 variable spacerPercent //Percent of total graph width/height that is used as space beteeen axes. default is 1% variable axesOffset // offset of axes, in percent, of axis range, for both vertical and horizontal. default is 0 variable frame // 0 for no frame, 1 for underline, 2 for a box, default is no frame // Set default values for optional parameters if (ParamIsDefault(graphTitleStr)) graphTitleStr = "Mr. Hister" endif variable UsedefaultTitles = 0 if( ParamIsDefault(titleList)) titleList = "" UsedefaultTitles = 1 elseif (cmpStr (titleList, "") == 0) UsedefaultTitles =-1 endif if( ParamIsDefault(fontSIze)) fontSIze = 10 endif string fontSizeStr = num2str (fontSize) if (fontSize < 10) fontSizeStr = "0" + fontSizeStr endif if( ParamIsDefault(font)) font = "Arial" endif if (ParamisDefault (SpacerPercent)) SpacerPercent = 1 endif SpacerPercent *= .01 // to change from percent to proportion //Find maximum and minimum X and Y values to make all graphs scaled the same // Use the same loop to set the default title to the wave name, if using default titles variable ii, numHists = itemsinList (theHistList) variable maxScal = 0, maxSecs =0 variable minScal = INF, minSecs = INF FOR (ii =0 ; ii < numHists; ii+= 1) WAVE thehist = $stringfromlist (ii, theHistList, ";") if (UsedefaultTitles==1) // default title is the name of the wave. titleList += nameofwave (theHist) + ";" endif wavestats/q thehist maxScal = max(V_max, maxScal) minScal = min (V_min, minScal) maxSecs = max (maxSecs, rightx (thehist)) minSecs = min (minSecs, leftx (thehist)) endfor //Decommentize next line to add a multiplier to ensure a little room on top of each graph for the label. //maxscal = maxScal + ((maxScal - MinScal)*0.05) //Figure out the proportion of total vertical and horizontal space for each graph and the number of //graphs in each row and column. The way this works is that the function is given one of rows or //columns with maxDownOrAcross, and the size of the other dimeniosn is calulated from the number of graphs. variable leftpercent, bottompercent if (GoAcross) if (numHists <= maxDownOrAcross) bottompercent = (1/ (numHists)) else bottompercent = (1/maxDownOrAcross) endif if (numHists > maxDownOrAcross) leftpercent = 1/(ceil(numHists/maxDownOrAcross)) else leftpercent= 1 endif else if (numHists <= maxDownOrAcross) leftpercent = (1/ (numHists)) else leftpercent = (1/maxDownOrAcross) endif if (numHists > maxDownOrAcross) bottompercent = 1/(ceil(numHists/maxDownOrAcross)) else bottompercent= 1 endif endif // Each row and column gets its own vertical or horizontal axis string Laxis, Baxis, condtag display as graphTitleStr For (ii = 0; ii < numHists; ii += 1) WAVE thehist =$stringfromlist (ii, theHistList, ";") condtag = "\\Z" + fontSizeStr + "\\F'" + font + "' " + stringfromlist (ii, titleList, ";") if (GoAcross) Laxis = "L_" + num2str (floor (ii/maxDownOrAcross)) //down the column varies slowly Baxis = "B_" + num2str (mod (ii, maxDownOrAcross)) //across the row varies quickly else Laxis = "L_" + num2str (mod (ii, maxDownOrAcross)) //down the column varies quickly Baxis = "B_" + num2str (floor (ii/maxDownOrAcross)) //across the row varies slowly endif appendtograph/L = $Laxis/B = $Baxis thehist SetAxis $Laxis minScal, maxScal SetAxis $Baxis minSecs, maxSecs if (GoAcross) ModifyGraph axisEnab($Laxis)={1 - ((leftpercent *(floor (ii/maxDownOrAcross)))+ leftpercent - (2*SpacerPercent)),(1-((leftpercent * (floor (ii/maxDownOrAcross))) + (2*SpacerPercent)))} ModifyGraph axisEnab($Baxis)={((bottompercent * (mod (ii, maxDownOrAcross)))+ SpacerPercent),(((bottompercent * (mod (ii, maxDownOrAcross))) + bottompercent - SpacerPercent))} else ModifyGraph axisEnab($Laxis)={1 - ((leftpercent * (mod (ii, maxDownOrAcross)))+ leftpercent - (2*SpacerPercent)),(1-((leftpercent * (mod (ii, maxDownOrAcross))) + (2*SpacerPercent)))} ModifyGraph axisEnab($Baxis)={((bottompercent * (floor (ii/maxDownOrAcross)))+ SpacerPercent),(((bottompercent * (floor (ii/maxDownOrAcross))) + bottompercent - SpacerPercent))} endif if (frame) SetDrawLayer UserBack SetDrawEnv xcoord= $Baxis,ycoord= $Laxis SetDrawEnv fillpat= 0 if (frame == 1) DrawLine minSecs,minScal,maxSecs,minScal // each histogram underlined elseif (frame == 2) DrawRect minSecs,minScal, maxSecs, maxscal // a neat little box around each histogram endif endif if (UsedefaultTitles > -1) Tag/N= $("text" + num2str (ii))/B=1/F=0/A=LT/L=0 $NameOfWave(thehist), minSecs, condtag endif endfor //Modify axes crossings to give an axis standoff as percentage of axis range (standoff do much for free axes) variable bOffset = minSecs - ((maxSecs - minSecs) * axesOffset * .01) variable lOffset = minScal - ((maxScal - minScal) * axesOffset * .01) // Iterate through list of axes, both left and bottom variable nLaxes,nBaxes if (GoAcross) nLaxes = floor (numHists/maxDownOrAcross) + 1 nBaxes = maxDownOrAcross else nLaxes = maxDownOrAcross nBaxes = floor (numHists/maxDownOrAcross) + 1 endif string LastLaxis = "L_" + num2str (nLaxes -1) for (ii = 0; ii < nLaxes; ii += 1) Laxis = "L_" + num2str (ii) ModifyGraph freePos($Laxis)={bOffset,B_0} endfor for(ii = 0; ii < nBaxes; ii += 1) Baxis = "B_" + num2str (ii) ModifyGraph freePos($Baxis)={lOffset,$LastLaxis} endfor // set graph to Histogram mode. You can change this to whatever you like ModifyGraph mode=5,hbFill=2,rgb=(0,0,0) // Name the graph same as the graph title, but cleaned up string winNameStr = uniquename (cleanupName(graphTitleStr, 0), 6, 0) DoWindow/C $winNameStr end



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There is a demo experiment as well, File->Example Experiments->Graphing Techniques->Scatter Plot Matrix Demo.
John Weeks
WaveMetrics, Inc.
June 18, 2008 at 09:36 am - Permalink