Load Square Image From 1D Data File
#pragma rtGlobals=3 // Use modern global access method.
// This procedure was written to load a text data file written by Spyglass Transform software.
// The file represented a square matrix but was written with all of the values
// in one column. For example, a matrix like this:
// 1 2 3
// 2 3 4
// 5 6 7
// would be written as:
// 1
// 2
// ...
// 7
// The function loads the data, redimensions it, and creates an image plot.
// To load a non-square image you will have to modify the procedure.
// See the comments below for further details.
Menu "Load Waves"
"Load Square Image From 1D Data File...", LoadSquareImageFrom1DDataFile("", "")
// LoadSquareImageFrom1DDataFile(pathName, filePath)
// The file is expected to contain a single column of numbers which represent
// an image of nxm dimensions where n==m (i.e., a square matrix).
// This function loads and plots the data. The wave name is based on the file name.
// NOTE: If the wave already exists it is overwritten.
Function LoadSquareImageFrom1DDataFile(pathName, filePath)
String pathName // Name of an Igor symbolic path or "".
String filePath // Name of file or full path to file.
// First get a valid reference to a file.
if ((strlen(pathName)==0) || (strlen(filePath)==0))
// Display dialog looking for file.
Variable refNum
Open/D/R/P=$pathName refNum as filePath
filePath = S_fileName // S_fileName is set by Open/D
if (strlen(filePath) == 0) // User cancelled?
return -2
// Generate a wave name based on the file name
String name = ParseFilePath(3, filePath, ":", 0, 0) // Get file name without extension
name = CleanupName(name, 0) // Make name kosher.
// Generate parameter for LoadWave /B flag to set the wave name
String columnInfoStr = "N=" + name + ";"
// Load the data as 1D
LoadWave/G/D/P=$pathName/O/A/B=columnInfoStr filePath
if (V_flag == 0) // No waves loaded?
Print "No data found in file"
return -3 // Something went wrong
// Create a wave reference for the wave created by LoadWave
Wave w = $name
// Redimension as 2D assuming square image
Variable numPoints = numpnts(w)
Variable numRows = sqrt(numPoints)
Variable numColumns = numRows
if (numRows*numColumns != numPoints)
Printf "NOTE: LoadSquareImageFrom1DDataFile expected a square array but got %d points\r", numPoints
Redimension /N=(numRows,numColumns) w
// Create an image plot
String plotName = name + "_G" // G for "graph"
if (strlen(plotName) > 29) // Name are limited to 31 character and we have to
plotName = "Image" // leave room for possible digits to make name unique
if (Exists(plotName)!=0 || WinType(plotName)!=0) // Name already in use?
plotName = UniqueName(plotName, 6, 0)
NewImage /N=$plotName w
// Set plot title
DoWindow/T $plotName, name
return 0
// This procedure was written to load a text data file written by Spyglass Transform software.
// The file represented a square matrix but was written with all of the values
// in one column. For example, a matrix like this:
// 1 2 3
// 2 3 4
// 5 6 7
// would be written as:
// 1
// 2
// ...
// 7
// The function loads the data, redimensions it, and creates an image plot.
// To load a non-square image you will have to modify the procedure.
// See the comments below for further details.
Menu "Load Waves"
"Load Square Image From 1D Data File...", LoadSquareImageFrom1DDataFile("", "")
// LoadSquareImageFrom1DDataFile(pathName, filePath)
// The file is expected to contain a single column of numbers which represent
// an image of nxm dimensions where n==m (i.e., a square matrix).
// This function loads and plots the data. The wave name is based on the file name.
// NOTE: If the wave already exists it is overwritten.
Function LoadSquareImageFrom1DDataFile(pathName, filePath)
String pathName // Name of an Igor symbolic path or "".
String filePath // Name of file or full path to file.
// First get a valid reference to a file.
if ((strlen(pathName)==0) || (strlen(filePath)==0))
// Display dialog looking for file.
Variable refNum
Open/D/R/P=$pathName refNum as filePath
filePath = S_fileName // S_fileName is set by Open/D
if (strlen(filePath) == 0) // User cancelled?
return -2
// Generate a wave name based on the file name
String name = ParseFilePath(3, filePath, ":", 0, 0) // Get file name without extension
name = CleanupName(name, 0) // Make name kosher.
// Generate parameter for LoadWave /B flag to set the wave name
String columnInfoStr = "N=" + name + ";"
// Load the data as 1D
LoadWave/G/D/P=$pathName/O/A/B=columnInfoStr filePath
if (V_flag == 0) // No waves loaded?
Print "No data found in file"
return -3 // Something went wrong
// Create a wave reference for the wave created by LoadWave
Wave w = $name
// Redimension as 2D assuming square image
Variable numPoints = numpnts(w)
Variable numRows = sqrt(numPoints)
Variable numColumns = numRows
if (numRows*numColumns != numPoints)
Printf "NOTE: LoadSquareImageFrom1DDataFile expected a square array but got %d points\r", numPoints
Redimension /N=(numRows,numColumns) w
// Create an image plot
String plotName = name + "_G" // G for "graph"
if (strlen(plotName) > 29) // Name are limited to 31 character and we have to
plotName = "Image" // leave room for possible digits to make name unique
if (Exists(plotName)!=0 || WinType(plotName)!=0) // Name already in use?
plotName = UniqueName(plotName, 6, 0)
NewImage /N=$plotName w
// Set plot title
DoWindow/T $plotName, name
return 0
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