Folder Menu

Thanks to Jim Prouty for his example code that showed me a better way of doing this.
// David Dana, 2011-3-16 // Creates a Folder menu for selecting among data folders, as an alternative to the Data Browser. // Supports hierarchical folder structures, but somewhat kludgily since we can't make dynamic menus // truly hierarchical. See FolderMenuItems() description for complete description of menu behavior. // Menu also includes a command for creating new folders (but not deleting). <!--break--> // // Run MakeTestFolders() to quickly create some sample folders for experimentation. #pragma rtGlobals=1 // Use modern global access method. #pragma version=1.00 Menu "Folder", dynamic FolderMenuItems(), FolderItemHandler() "-" "New Folder...", FolderPromptNewFolder() End Menu //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constructs a menu listing the current data folder, its parent, siblings, and children if any. // The first menu item is always the parent of the current folder, or root: if root: is current. // Then are listed all folders with the same parent as the current folder. // If the current folder has folders below it, these are also listed, indented below the current folder. // // If the current folder has siblings with their own children (the current folder's nieces and nephews ;-) ), // those children are not shown, but their parents are marked with a '>'. The user can view those children // by selecting the parent. // // The currently active data folder is marked with a check, and disabled (since there is no point to // selecting it again). // // David Dana, HOBI Labs, Inc. 2011-3-16 Function/S FolderMenuItems() string itemStr string currentDF = GetDataFolder(1) // Get complete folder path string parent = CurrentFolderParent(1) // First menu item is the full path of the parent folder if (strlen(parent) == 0) // the current folder is root, there is no parent itemStr = DisablePrefix() + CheckMarkPrefix() + "root:;" parent = "root:" else itemStr = parent + ";" endif // Find all children of parent (possibly including the current folder) variable i, itemCount = CountObjects(parent, 4) if (itemCount) itemStr = itemStr + "-;" // Add each child to menu item list string child for (i = 0; i < itemCount; i += 1) child = getIndexedObjName(parent, 4, i) string childFullPath = parent + possiblyQuoteName(child) + ":" variable grandchildCount = CountObjects(childFullPath,4) // if this is the current folder, prefix checkmark and see if it has children if (stringmatch(currentDF, childFullPath)) itemStr = itemStr + DisablePrefix() + CheckMarkPrefix() + child + ";" if (grandChildCount) variable j for (j = 0; j < grandChildCount; j+=1) string grandChild = getIndexedObjName(childFullPath,4,j) itemStr = itemStr + " " + grandChild + ";" // prefix subfolders with 2 spaces for clarity endfor endif else if (grandChildCount) itemStr = itemStr + ParentPrefix() + child + ";" else itemStr = itemStr + child + ";" endif endif endfor endif return itemStr End Function //-------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Responds to a selection from the menu constructed by FolderMenuItems(). // Extracts the path of a folder and sets that as the current data folder. Function FolderItemHandler() GetLastUserMenuInfo String folderPath = S_Value Variable itemNumber = v_value variable isChild = StringMatch(folderPath, ChildPrefix() + "*") folderPath = StripPrefix(folderPath) string parentPath = StringFromList (0, FolderMenuItems(), ";") parentPath = StripPrefix(parentPath) if (itemNumber == 1) // first item is the parent folder folderPath = "::" // Go up one level else if (!isChild) // if child, folderPath is already correct folderPath = parentPath + possiblyquotename(folderPath) endif endif print folderPath SetDataFolder folderPath End Function //-------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Append this to the front of a menu item to indicate the folder is child of a folder above it Function/S ChildPrefix() Return " " End Function //-------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Append this to the front of a menu item to indicate the folder has children Function/S ParentPrefix() Return "!>" End Function //-------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Append this to the front of a menu item to disable it. Can be added in front of other marks. Function/S DisablePrefix() Return "(" End Function //-------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Append this to the front of a menu item to give it a check mark Function/S CheckMarkPrefix() return "!" + num2Char(18) End Function //-------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Removes special characters such as check marks, etc. from the front of a menu item name Function/S StripPrefix(s) string s if (stringmatch(s, "(*")) // an open parenthesis makes the item inactive s = s[1,inf] endif if (stringmatch(s, "!!*") == 0) // the initial ! is a logic inversion operator. s = s[2,inf] endif if (stringmatch(s, ChildPrefix() + "*")) s = s[strlen(ChildPrefix()), inf] endif return s End Function //-------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Asks for the user for the name of a new folder. Returns 0 if user cancelled or error. Function FolderPromptNewFolder() string name prompt name, "Name for new folder in " + GetDataFolder (0) string promptStr = "New Data Folder" DoPrompt/HELP="" promptStr, name if (v_flag == 1) // user cancelled return 0 endif if (CheckName(name, 11)) DoAlert 0, "\"" + name + "\" is not a legal folder name or is already in use." return 0 endif NewDataFolder $name return 1 End Function //-------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns the name of the parent of the current folder, or empty string if the current folder is root:. // If fullSpec is zero, returns only the base name of the parent, otherwise returns its full path Function/S CurrentFolderParent(fullSpec) variable fullSpec string folder = GetDataFolder(1) if (stringmatch(folder, "root:")) return "" else variable items = ItemsInList (folder, ":") if (fullSpec) folder = RemoveListItem (items - 1, folder, ":") return folder else return StringFromList (items-2, folder, ":") endif endif End Function //-------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Just for testing Function MakeTestFolders() NewDataFolder/O root:Folder1 NewDataFolder/O root:Folder2 NewDataFolder/O root:Folder3 NewDataFolder/O root:Folder4 NewDataFolder/O root:Folder5 NewDataFolder/O root:Folder6 NewDataFolder/O root:Folder7 NewDataFolder/O root:Folder3:Child1 NewDataFolder/O root:Folder3:Child2 NewDataFolder/O root:Folder3:Child3 NewDataFolder/O root:Folder3:Child4 NewDataFolder/O root:Folder3:Child5 NewDataFolder/O root:Folder3:Child6 End Function //--------------------------------------------------------------



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March 7, 2011 at 02:36 pm - Permalink
--Jim Prouty
Software Engineer, WaveMetrics, Inc.
March 7, 2011 at 08:29 pm - Permalink
March 8, 2011 at 07:38 am - Permalink
--Jim Prouty
Software Engineer, WaveMetrics, Inc.
March 17, 2011 at 09:50 am - Permalink
March 17, 2011 at 01:59 pm - Permalink
Does anyone know what to do if there are a large (30 or more) number of subFolders? I get a "too many items" error in the Folder menu when I try this.
April 2, 2011 at 01:05 pm - Permalink
That's where this breaks down on Windows (not a problem on Macintosh). 30 is the practical limit. Invoke the Data Browser for the 30th item ("More...").
--Jim Prouty
Software Engineer, WaveMetrics, Inc.
April 2, 2011 at 10:46 pm - Permalink
April 6, 2011 at 07:40 am - Permalink
This is pretty hardcore by now...
--Jim Prouty
Software Engineer, WaveMetrics, Inc.
April 6, 2011 at 02:36 pm - Permalink